CH. 15 - How did you?!

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How did you?!

"Hmm... Is this her? I thought it's complicated!"

"What do you mean complicated?" The red-headed knight asked.

"That thing isn't even real! Pfft... How come the Royal Family let that thing enter?"

I looked at the knight and laughed at his expression.

"I-I don't know what to say... Are you sure?"

This guy asks me... "The great wizard of the Black Tower" if what I've said is real...

"Of course! Are you doubting me?!"

"Oh no no! I have to report this to His Majesty..."

He left. I stared at the thing noticing that it stop, then it walked faster.

"You deserve much more than that thing."

I had to go to the past and see that blondie's background.

But I think the maid's decision is better, in order for her to stay safe. And away from that lunatic emperor.

Who knew that the great wizard, Lucas, have to be in a disguise in order to not scare that child.

You're lucky Athanasia.

"Now, I need to organize what those pesky magicians destroyed! How hard is it to clean a wizard's office?!"

I mumbled then teleported to my office that is still messy.

I spent a good hour organizing it and putting a protection spell so that no one could destroy its organization and cannot steal any of my stuff.

Now all that is left is to go to a library and find another history book.

But I was still disappointed when I still found out that the imbecile Aethernitas became a powerful emperor!

"They're blind, I guess..."

I decide to go around the town but not invisible this time.

Until I saw a blue crystal pendant that has a gold chain necklace.

I then realized I don't have money. Damn.

Oh well. No one will know.

"I'd like to buy this."

She happily handed it to me and asked for 30 silver coins, but I gave her 5 gold coins instead, and she smiled at me brightly.

No one will know that I just created those.

Oops... Haha at least the woman can put it to good use, I guess.

I put the necklace in my pocket and decided to teleport back to the tower.

But instead, my teleportation got interrupted and I fell to the ground.


I massage my head and back since it hurt the most.

"Who the hell interrupted me?!"

I screamed but was caught off guard when a certain creature— no a beast, fell on my lap.

I picked it up and noticed it having raven fur and an electric blue strip down its back.

I can feel huge mana around it, and I can see clear coloured mana smoke.

"Whose beast is this?"

"Blackie, where are you?!"

Someone shouted from a distance and before I could disappear a child appeared in front of me.

She then looked at the beast in my hands then back at me.


"Hey, you're Lucas, right? Can you put Blackie down?"

I stared at her, finally realizing that I'm not in a child form at the moment, how did this kid know it was me from before?

"You— How did you know?!"




A/N: To read future chapter sneak peeks join the discord server (invite link is in my bio and message wall) or contact me in discord (UnknowingLee#9807) so I could invite you! Hope to see you there!! <3  

A Different Beginning  //  WMMAPTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang