I then see a black Range Rover pull up next to me, the window rolls down and it's none other than Harry.

"Are you stalking me?" I ask, annoyed.

"Maybe." He says playfully.

I scoff.

"Let me give you a ride home." He say.

"Mmmm, no thanks." I state.

"Come on Becks, don't be stubborn." He says.

"That is not my name!" I say again.

Just as I am about to storm off, I large crack of thunder erupts and I jump a bit.

Harry looks concerned.

"Okay, okay. Becca, please get in the car." He says sounding more sympathetic.

I decide it's best to get into the car as I don't want to be struck by lightning even though that might sound like a better option than spending time with Harry.

I hope in and it feels nice as Harry has the heat blowing which helps to warm me up.

He looks at me and takes his hand up to my face and removes a strand a hair to behind my ear, in the process his finger brushes my cheek.

"Your skin is ice cold Becks. We better get you warmed up." He states concerned. He turns on the heated seat to further help me warm up.

He still doesn't move the car and I see his eyes move to my chest. I look down and my blouse is practically see through, making my white lace bra show through. I blush and grab a sweatshirt I see in his back seat. I throw it on to cover myself up.

He finally starts driving.

For a few minutes I forget that I hate Harry and we have small talk about life. He is going to school for Business as well and graduated high school with honors. With his tardiness today that kind of surprised me.

We pull up to my house and my head is telling me to get out of the car, but my heart says stay.

I am distracted, but then I am snapped back to reality as Harry clears his throat.

"Becks, I need to apologize to you for what happened in middle school." He says.

All of a sudden all those emotions come flooding  back and I'm angry.

"I'm so sorry, I never..." I cut him off.

"Just stop! Harry, you don't get to apologize and be forgiven. You hurt me and you didn't even care. I cried for months, with no one to talk to. I had to up root my life because of this." I say with tears welling in my eyes.

"You left because of me?" Harry says puzzled.

"Why else would I have left?" I state.

"I thought you found a better school." He says.

"Harry, I was bullied so badly that I had to leave. The things kids were saying to me because of you. I felt so little and couldn't function anymore. My family had to send me away or something bad might of happened." I say as tears now fall down my face.

"Becks....I had no idea it was that bad." He says desperately. The shock and concern on his face almost makes me believe him.

"No idea? You had no fucking idea?" I almost laugh at what he said.

"You know what Harry Styles. Fuck you! You ruined my life and you think an I'm sorry fixes it. You are surely mistaken." I take this as my opportunity to exit the car and jump out. I hurry to the back of the house in the pouring rain and safely get inside.

I realize I am still wearing Harry's jacket. I tear it off and throw it to the floor.

After that conversation I feel mentally drained. I honestly can't even put the energy to take this soggy clothes off. I turn on the shower and sit in it, I can't believe how broken Harry still makes me feel. I thought I had gotten over this.

I finally manage to get out of the shower and put pajamas on.

I decide to call Natalie to talk. She knows about my past and I hope she can help me feel better.

The phone rings.

"Hey Becca!" Natalies says in her peppy voice.

I can't contain my sadness and the sobbing begins again.

"OMG, what's wrong?" She says concerned.

"It's him. He's back in my life and I can't deal with it!" I say.

"Wait...him...you mean Harry?" She questions.

"Yes" I say.

I then explain the events of today to her.

"Gosh Becca, I'm really sorry this happened. I mean it sucks that you have to deal with him, but it sounds like you will be seeing a lot of him so why not try to figure this out." She says.

"What do you mean?" I am confused.

"I mean, it won't be easy to forgive him, but if you have to see him daily for class...maybe you should try." She says.

"I can't. If I forgive him then he gets away with it." I retort.

"Becca, he doesn't get away with anything. He has to live with what he did to you. If he apologized, at least that lets you move on. He will have to think about it for the rest of his life while you can make peace with it." She says.

"I don't know Natalie." She May have a point but I am unsure if I can forgive him.

"Just think about it." She says.

"Okay, I am going to bed Goodnight." I say.

"Goodnight Bestie." She says.

"Just Friends" A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now