Chapter 1

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Today is the day me and my brothers go to Hogwarts for our 4th year while Mary goes into her 5th year, I am looking forward to it and I also get to see all of my friends. Right now we are packing our things because we do not want to get yelled at by mom. After I finished packing I went downstairs to hear Judah and Micah yelling at each other. I looked to my right and see Elijah standing there watching the argument with me "WHAT DID I DO" asked Judah completely clueless "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID" yelled Micah and they get further into the argument "HOW DO YOU KNOW IT WAS ME" asked Judah yelling "BECAUSE THEY SAID YOU DID IT" "WHO" "SHILOH AND ELIJAH" just then me and Elijah looked at each other and ran upstairs with them chasing after us. Lucky for us Jackson arrived and they stopped for the time being "What did I walk in on" asked Jackson as he dragged his trunk to my room. "Oh you just saved me and Elijah from being murdered" I said as if it explained everything "Oh" he responded.

We were in my room talking about how we think this year will be at Hogwarts "I don't know.. if I'm being honest I feel like something may happen this year but I'm not sure" I said "Yeah ...Do you think Brian will try to talk to you" he hesitated to ask but just to clarify Brian is my ex boyfriend. I broke up with him this summer because of how he treated me and how he talked about my friends. For instance he called Lily a mudblood and he was badmouthing Jackson because he's gay and that is not okay with me. He also treated me like I was a prize and he was very possessive over me and I didn't like it. I don't know why but it is still a touchy subject for me because we were together for a year but I hope I will get over it. "I hope not. But the thing is nobody except for me, Brian, and you know about this. I haven't told my sister or Lily because they would tell my brothers, and if I told my brothers they would be put into Azkaban for murder. And if James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter found out they would hex him so bad he would be put into St Mungo's." I explained to him and he thought about what I said for a moment "I would argue with you but you're right" he said. Night time came and soon me and Jackson drifted off to sleep after talking for awhile and all I can think about is how crazy this year at Hogwarts will be.

Shiloh and Bro's Go To Hogwarts (Marauders Era)Where stories live. Discover now