Dreams always here..

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-George and dream are walking home-
Dreams view- how did this all happen? I was just at my wheat farm trying to make some bread for the soup at home and the next thing I know I see George hanging from a cliff! What a crazy night..as we were walking home we bumped into sapnap!
Sapnap-"hey drea- oh my god! What happend to George?!"
Dream-"George just wanted to go on an adventure that's all.."
Sapnap- "so no soup tonight?"
Dream-"not tonight"
-dream takes George home-
I was just sitting there watching George as he rolled around not being able to get comfortable so I went and sat there next to him and George rolls over onto my chest my face turned bright red and I started sweating, all I could think about is the heat waves fan art..but I managed to calm myself down and fell asleep to..
George woke up in quite a state a couple hours later he just couldn't calm down so I whispered in his ear
Dream-"I'm always here no matter what happens. Don't forget dream is always here,"

 Don't forget dream is always here,"

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