Chapter 15

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            We cleared the arena. Just in time for Loki and I to enter the ring. Mom was asking why us two. We done better together, we didn't hold back, and we cared for each other not to kill the other. Anna explained that. Mom was watching us closely. She seen something about Loki, something she wasn't telling me. Loki looked at me, no head piece, just the armor, and I in my red outfit. I grinned Mischievously, he grinned maniacally. That was a grin I longed for. He winked at me, letting me know he wouldn't hold back. And raised my eyebrows, letting him know to, and mom began asking Anna why we did that, she explained it to her. Mom understood then. Dad was trying to figure this out scientifically.

            "Remember, last one standing, wins," Thor said smashing his hammer in the air. Annabeth nods to me. Give it everything.

            "Come on Red Flame, show me what you got," Loki teased. I glared with a grin.

            "With pleasure Green Prince."

            I began by throwing an energy ball at him, he dodged it, throwing one at me. I flipped missing it. My left foot stretched behind me, and my right knee bent in front of me, my left hand on the ground.

            "Come on flame, bring her out," He said. I didn't want to, I as scared she would take over. Thor bent up. Loki's eyes went green, he was going full green goblin on me. He wanted me to go Red flame. But what if I didn't come back? He grabs his staff and pushes it down, causing me to fly back. I land with ease, both knees bent.

            "He's trying to bring Red flame out again," Annabeth said, talking to Thor. Thor glared at Loki. Loki knew what he was doing, he wanted the challenge.

            "COME ON ELLA, LET HER OUT," He yelled. Red Flame fought through me, I tried not to let her out, but she was awakening. My eyes began to glow red. Fire began to take over my body, my hair becoming a fiery red. The flames were to much, she was taking over.

            "LOKI!" Thor screamed. Mom and dad looked at Anna. She was scared.

            "CONTROL HER ELLA," Loki said. He wanted me to learn to control her? This was a lesson?

            "He's trying to teach her to hold her steady," Thor said. But he looked scared, "She's not ready for this yet."

Loki then threw a green energy ball at me, hitting me, Red Flame was mad, she was ready for combat. The wings began to spread. He wanted this, He wanted to help me control her, to be able to push her down in me, and me to become red flame. The Gabrielle he cared for, not the other monster. And I did, RED FLAME CAME OUT!

            "GREEN GOBLIN, I WILL ENJOY THIS," She said. But I screamed at her. From the inside. I focused on leashing her, keeping her tied to me.

            "NO RED FLAME, YOU ARE MINE, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND," I screamed. My eyes got brighter, My flames got bigger. Loki smiled.

            "She is containing her," Annabeth said in awe. This time she was in my court. My clothes became orange and red, not black, and dark. Loki began admiring it.

            "TAME HER," He yelled. This was his lesson, he was training me to control the beast inside of me, the RED FLAME. She was me, but I was her.

            "WE ARE ONE!" I yelled hitting my fist on the arena. Flames shot up as I submerged myself, gave her to me, and me to her, and when the flames burned away, I was new. Like a Phoenix. The flames had orange and yellow in them, not just red. My hair was orange and red now, not red. Loki smiled. Thor stood up.

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