Chapter 10

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Thor grabbed a mic.  He seemed excited. I watched as he began to wow the crowd talking about the party and having fun and the next part was a bit embarrassing. If only he knew how.

"I was told there were two very amazing singers here tonight, and I just wanted them to come up here and sing one for us," He said. Oh no!

"So Gabrielle and Anna, would you do one for us all," He asked. I looked at Anna she shrugged. Well, this was great. Hades loved music, so this would be fun. Or torture. I had music in my genes, and I taught Anna.

"Okay write it on my heart," I told her. She looked at me confused.

"Wait, That's a deep love song, Are you sure," She asked. I nodded. I wanted him to know what I was feeling. When the music started, I looked at him.

Both- Oh, oh, oh

Anna- Chapter One is hello in a crowded room

Chapter Two is call me, I can't stop thinkin' 'bout you

Chapter Three, you kiss me and the world goes black

But I wanna go deeper than that

Both- Give me all your secrets

Give me your hometown

Give me meet your mama

Don't leave nothin' out

Everything that came before me

Even all the broken parts

Every chapter of your story

Write it on my heart

Oh, oh, oh

Me- When you meet somebody and you just know

How the next hundred years are gonna go

All the stars that faded, all your crazy dreams

Tell me, I wanna know everything

Both- Give me all your secrets

Give me your hometown

Give me meet your mama

Don't leave nothin' out

Everything that came before me

Even all the broken parts

Every chapter of your story

Write it on my heart

Yeah, oh

Me- Give me all your issues

Give me all your time

Give me your forever

And I'll give you mine

Both- Everything that came before me

Even all the broken parts

Every chapter of your story

Write it on my heart

Oh, oh, oh

Write it on my heart

We finished, and there were applauds throughout. I watched him watch me throughout the whole song, never taking his eyes off. Thor came to me, he hugged Anna.

" So can we have an encore?"

"Well, I don't want to, but My sister should do one." Anna said. I snapped my attention to her. She nodded and her eyes looked at Loki, who was being still in the corner. She wanted me to sing one for him. He would know it was for him, But how did I know if he felt the same I felt? Any feelings at all?

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