"Bye Clyde, bye Dolly! I'll be back next week," I say to my dogs while petting them goodbye. I hired a pet sitter to take care of them while I'm gone, so I'm obviously not leaving them alone. I put my luggage into the trunk, and make my way to the driver's seat. I start driving in the direction of the studio, where we're all supposed to meet. Apparently we're going to be driven to the airport all together, including Marta and Kevin. I'm pretty excited about getting to spend a whole week with David though.. I hope we'll get to sit together on the plane. Maybe I'll get to tell him I have feelings for him? I shouldn't get my hopes up. Anyways, I park my car next to a Mercedes, probably David's car. I grab my luggage and make my way inside the studio. David and Matthew are already there, with Marta and Kevin. David is wearing sweatpants, with a white plain t-shirt, and a leathered zip-up jacket covering his arms. It's pretty warm in LA, although in New York, it's probably snowing at the moment. I walk up towards Matthew and David to see what they are up to. 

"Hey Jen," Matthew says. 

"Hey!" I say back. David smiles at me cutely with his dark brown puppy-dog eyes. I lean on his shoulder, acting as if it were a normal thing now. We've actually gotten extremely close this past 5 months. Instead of standing around in one spot we decided to take a seat on the couch. I took a seat beside David, while Matthew sat on the armchair across from us. I watch as David rests his arm on the arm of the couch, so I scoot closer to him and lean my head on his shoulder. He gets more comfortable and places his arm around my shoulder, giving me more room to snuggle up beside him. The door suddenly bursts open with Court jumping out.

"WE'RE GOING TO NEW YORKKK!!!" she blurts out, startling all of us.

"I don't understand how you have so much energy- it's literally 5 in the morning," I mutter back to Court, who's cheerfully skipping towards us, taking a seat next to Matthew. 

"Hi honey.." Matthew says to Court, while cupping her face and giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"Uhhh.. what is this?!" David says, pointing his finger, motioning it towards them. They're dating? I guess it makes it normal if David and I started to date, like that's ever going to happen. I don't even think he has feelings for me. Courteney takes a seat on Matthew's lap, while snuggling her face into his neck.

"Awww," I say, pouting my lips. David looks over at me and kisses me randomly on my forehead. I blush, while smiling at the gesture. He's so cute, and kind, and loving.. and handsome, God I could go on forever. I yawn, while closing my eyes slightly while I try to doze off.

"Somebody's sleepy.." David whispers in my ear, while moving a strand of my hair that's in my face. 

"Seriously Jennifer, what time did you fall asleep last night?" he says softly.

"I don't know.. like 12? I couldn't fall asleep.." I say back to him, my eyes still closed. Honestly, I could stay like this forever. 

David's POV:

I'm holding Jennifer in my arms, she's almost asleep. She's so cute when she's asleep. The only problem is that I can't look into those gorgeous eyes of hers. Ah, well. At least she's snuggling up in my arms and not anyone else's. We're supposed to be at the airport at around 6, because our flight leaves at around 8:15. Right now it's 5:52, Lisa and Matt should be here soon. I watch Jennifer as she sleeps peacefully, I wonder what she's dreaming about. A loud rumble comes along from the door, causing Jennifer to wake up from her nap. I could watch her sleep all day. 

"Hey guys!!" Matt says. I'm starting to get along with Matt, he's cool. Lisa runs up to us shocked.

"What happened Lisa?!" Jennifer says, confused with Lisa's shock. 

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