chapter 2: Present Day

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*Iris P.O.V*

6 months and I am huge, like already waddling huge. I opened the door to Jess's house and walked in as though it was my own.

"Jessica one of your children is kicking my bladder like it's a football if I piss myself it's your fault!" I yelled. She didn't reply which was usual because this had become our normal routine ever since I agreed to this crazy idea of hers. It is my luck that it was twins. There was shuffling coming from her kitchen so I headed in expecting her and her husband. I was shocked when I noticed the two men sat at the dining room table. My eyes went bug-eyed and I stared into Jessica's soul waiting for her to explain why the hell she didn't tell me she would be having guests.

"Iris, this is Richard Madden and Taron Egerton. I'm doing the media marketing for their latest movie" she replied knowing that's what I was waiting for.

"Richard, Taron. This is Iris my best friend and also my surrogate, sorry this wasn't how I was planning to introduce you guys" she continued. Richard stood up and walked the few steps up to me and stuck his hand out for me to shake it. I took his warm hand into my slightly swollen one and shook it slightly being careful to not be overly keen. He was gorgeous, beautiful blue eyes pierced into my soul, and he had the softest brown hair with a slightly discolored strip at the front. I recognised him, he was famous, but I just couldn't place him.

"Pleasure to meet you, Iris. I commend you for what you are doing. I imagine it's not easy" and he has a freaking accent, I recognized it to be Scottish, and it's glorious.

The other gentleman, that I recognised slightly having seen a few of his movies but not enough to have known his name, also joined Richard.

"Iris, Jess has told me all about you and what you are doing for her and Tom. Honestly amazing to meet you" he also shook my hand and then went back to his drink on the table. Both gentlemen turned back to, what I'm guessing were, scripts and I walked over to Jess.

"You could have warned me there would be guests!" I whisper yelled at her whilst trying to pull down the extremely tight vest top I had so it at least joined my grey tracksuit bottoms. I had spent the whole day trying to hit my latest deadline on my book and so hadn't gotten myself dressed up.

"I'm sorry I hadn't realised we would still be here but this is good! You know me and tom have gotten close to these two recently and I genuinely think they will be in our lives for a long while and therefore they are going to be in yours as well. Please just give them a chance you never know you guys may just get along well." She practically begged as she explained.
I knew she was right. If they are going to be in her and Toms lives then they are going to be in mine and I should get to know them. I nodded as a reply and then right on time twin 1 kicked hard in my bladder and I knew if I didn't go and pee now I would definitely have an accident and this is not the time or the place for that.

"Right I will be back in two seconds your children really are trying to cause an embarrassing situation for me," I said and with that, I left the room of attractive men.

Surrogate in Love - Richard MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now