Nicknames :3

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I have so many nicknames for you and it makes me so happy!!!! You're just so cute!! Here are some,,

1. Bunny
I love love love calling you this!!! I love bunnies and I love you,,they're so cute and fluffy, just like you!! You both just have so many similarities and I can't tell what's cuter!!

2. Bun!!!
It's like bunny but also the word hun!! I think it's really short but sweet and is just perfect for you,,

3. Hun/honey >_<
It makes me feel like we're married or something,,Idk!! It's just really sweet and makes me feel so special when you call me it too,,,,

4. Dummy :4
It's fun calling you this because you are a dummy!!! My dummy ^_^ I love messing with you hehe,,

5. Puppy,,
I know I barely ever use this at all but it's quite cute!! It's like we're matching,,,puppy and kitty!! But you'll always be my bunny of course.

6. (My) bitch :P
hehe I like this because it gives me power. Also it's fun giving you compliments in the form of an insult. :)

7. Cutie!!!
What can I even say,,,,you're just really cute!! I don't know any other way to say it hehe

8. Luv!!
It sounds so dumb calling you this and that's why I love it. It's like we're 30 year old British mothers LOLL

9. Oc
This can count as a nickname right?? ^_^ either way I'm adding it here because I LOVE your name!!!! And I love you!! You're all mine :3 every time I hear even just your name it brightens my day.

10.  Whore :]
Don't use it much but it's cute and I like making you embarrassed hehe. Whore!!!!

Love u!!

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