why I fell in love with you or something

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When you first arrived at school I felt as if there was something different about you, the way you spoke and just the way you acted was so different and just,,,,cute! You were funny and really unique,,I don't know how to describe it!! At first, I thought it was just me being stupid and falling for some random person because I'm lonely but the more I saw you and the more classes we were in together the more I realized that you were actually a lovely person,,,,The way you sit down and do your work is so cute, I love it when you're focused,,I remember how I always tried to memorise the classes we were in together because I just loved even being in the same room as you,,

I got so jealous when I saw other people trying to be all weird with you and I couldn't even say anything because I felt so shy,,,,,I remember hearing a lot about you and how many people liked you and it was so weird,,,,I never thought you would decide to go with me,,,Really,,,,,I heard some people say rude things as well and I didn't feel the need to play along with it. You're a nice person and even though it's so easy for me to get peer pressured I still knew what was wrong. I can't bare the thought of anyone disliking you, you're the sweetest person I've ever met. And I  know damn well whoever had the audacity to say things about you regrets it. Look how much they're missing out on!! Don't let anyone upset you hun, you know you're so much better than anyone, even better than me,,,I would not be suprised if some people are even jealous of you,,You're funny, smart, pretty and just so lovely to be around really. I am so lucky to be the one who gets to hold your hand,,,

When you first messaged me on instagram I was so scared, I literally loved you already and I felt so nervous because I didn't wanna fuck everything up. I saw your message straight away and I was actually freaking out, I literally cried about it on the group chat because I didn't know what to do!!! I felt so strange knowing out of all the dumb girls you could've dmed, you chose the fucking dumbest,,,What on earth made you choose me???? I really don't deserve to have someone as perfect as you and even to this day it's so hard to beleive that you're actually mine. Mine forever!!! Oh my god and the fact that the first thing I sent you was smut jojo fanfic......How did you not even block me there??! At least that made me know that you actually had a personality and humor ahhh,,,,

I loved it when you talked to me at break, even though I was terrified to even say a word to you. It made me so happy when people asked if we were dating because even if it was weird/annoying, it was nice to imagine the thought of us going out,,And jeez when you bought me that strawberry milk I was actually fucking dying, I know it's just milk and all but it made me so so so happy you don't even understand. I was trying so hard to not overreact. Even Sophia awwed me. Thank you for all of the things you've done, I love it all!! Even the small things mean so much to me and I have no idea how to pay you back for all the lovely things you've done and said to me. I really love you so much, thank you,,,

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