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You dry your body and get ready as quickly as possible. You are stressed because of Ms. Venable's behavior but you intend to find out what is going on. You practically run to the dining room and luckily you're on time for once. You sit down with the others but you are a little surprised because no one is speaking and there is a huge tension in the room. You ask Gallant next to you if something is happening. "What the hell is going on?"

Gallant: Ms. Venable is so angry right now, it's not the right time to piss her off.

(y/n): Shit but why? Somebody messed up?

Gallant: Nobody knows, she just yelled about how incompetent the cooperative is and she told us she had to talk to us after dinner. 

Emily who is next to Gallant leans closer to join the small talk.

Emily: Actually she started to get mad after reading a letter from the cooperative, I don't know what it said but Ms Venable looked quite upset. 

Mallory: And she was so scary! 

Some of you chuckle realizing that at this point everyone around the table is listening to the conversation. Suddenly the laughing stops as we all notice Ms. Venable entering the room. She practically breaks the ground with the impact of her cane. We all sit straight on our chairs from her attitude. There is so much tension while everyone is waiting for Wilhelmina to speak. After a short moment of silence, she finally begins. "First of all, our resources have greatly diminished. So we are passing to 2 meals a day. Second, you are now allowed to have any kind of relationship you want and stay in the library or the common rooms at night." Coco asks something shyly. "But why now?" She replies sharply. "Orders from the cooperative." (silence) Coco asks even more shyly this time. "Was it the reason why you were so angry earlier?"  Ms. Venable looks at her like if she was about to kill her, then she replies. "No, but if you let me finish I might be able to explain." (silence again)

"So the letter I read earlier said that all the other outposts apart us and outpost 6 have been overrun and destroyed since 3 months. So we and a few other people are the last living humans on earth. I was angry because at the end of the letter it said that someone will come and tell us what to do next and I quote: "It will all be over soon". I'm the leader here, I deserve to know what's next. I MUST know! I don't like secrets, especially when it's from the cooperative being all mysterious." At the end of her speech she hits the ground hard with her cane. You don't like to see her mad and upset so you try to reassure her. "Ms. Venable, don't worry. I'm sure you will have answers as soon as this person gets here." She nods and you see her relaxing a bit. She sits at the table and the greys come with the usual food cubes. You look at Wilhelmina but she doesn't look back. In fact, she seems to be avoiding your gaze. 

You don't meet Mina's eyes during the whole dinner and at the end  of it, she goes straight to her room. You hurry behind her and find her in the corridor. "Mina!" You call out but she doesn't stop so you push her against the wall. "Ms (y /l /n), let me go NOW!" You don't even listen and just kiss her passionately. You feel her body loosening up a bit to yours. She pushes you a bit to free herself from your lips and you look at her with confusion. "Listen (y /n), I care about you a lot... but I think it's best if we both take some distance. At least to find out how we want this relation to evolve. In short, don't come to me again for now." You don't answer, you're too shocked about her demand. Everything was going so well. You see Coco, Mallory and Gallant arriving so Ms. Venable frees herself from your grip and pulls away from you. "Good night Ms (y /l /n)." You don't have time to hide in your room or run away, you just burst into tears. Your group of friends rush to you, noticing.

Coco: Oh (y/n) why are you crying? 

Mallory: It's because of Ms Venable? 

Gallant: By the way, what were you doing? You were really close to each other.

(y/n): You know I have a soft spot for her, well I think she doesn't like me that much...

Coco: Oh no come on don't say that, I'm sure it's not true! 

Mallory: She just doesn't want to admit her feelings. 

Gallant: Yeah no one looks at someone the way she does without feeling something for that person.

(y/n): I don't know maybe... I just want to read and forget about this right now. 

Gallant: Okay beautiful. If you need us, we'll be at the common room.

You nod and go towards the library. You absolutely need to do something to get your mind off of things and stop thinking about Wilhemina's words. You prevent yourself from tearing up again and you look out for a book you like. You settle on Macbeth from Shakespeare.. You open the first few pages and begin to read.

'Thunder and lightning. Enter three Witches'


When shall we three meet again In thunder, lightning, or in rain?


When the hurlyburly's done, When the battle's lost and won. 

You hear footsteps from the distance in the halls. It's not little heels like on the shoes that everyone wears. It sounds like big heels or boots. Anyway you keep reading. 


That will be ere the set of sun.


Where the place? 


Upon the heath. 

You hear the footsteps getting closer and louder. 


There to meet with Macbeth.


I come, Graymalkin !


Paddock calls.

At this point, the person who's wearinig the heels is just at the entrance of the library, but you are too caught in the book to notice or hear it.


Anon !


Fair is foul, and foul is fair : Hover through the fog and filthy air. 

[they vanish in mist.]

The stranger approaches you humming the tune of dreams by Fleetwood Mac. 

"Now, here you go again
You say, you want your freedom
Well, who am I to keep you down"

You finally look up from your book. "Hey, I know that song!" You complete the lyrics.

"It's only right that you should
Play the way you feel it
But listen carefully, to the sound
Of your loneliness"

The person in front of you is a woman. She's blonde and her hair is kinda messy but it suits her vibe. She is dressed like a Stevie Nicks fan from the 70s and finally, she has a cool hat on her head.

(y/n): Who are you? And how did you get here? I never saw you before.

?: I just arrived by teleporting of course! I'm a witch, my name is Misty Day.


-Djedje <3

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