"So how's the book?" Sid asked, a sarcastic and scorch sound to her voice.

"Well, it'll be out later this year."

"Oh, I'll look for it." Sid said, he voice cracking for the tears and sobs trying to escape.

I whispered over to Tatum, "Grab Sid. Now." Tatum did exactly as I said.

Just in time too since Gale said, "I'll send you a copy!"

Sid went to turn around and punch her but Tatum held her back with all her strength. This allowed me to take her place and land a clean right hook to Gale's left cheek pushing her back and down into her camera man. Words could be heard from all the people behind her but I wasn't listening.

Dewey ran up to us and escorted Tatum, Sid, and I to his patrol car.

"Where'd you learn to punch like that?" Dewey asked as he held onto my arm.

"Mom was a boxer before she got with Neil," I said as I slammed the car door.

"(Y/n) why did you do that?" Sidney asked me, looking in confusion.

"What, you think I'm going to risk my sister facing legal action in the middle of this shit show? I'd rather land in the slammer than you Sid," I said as I placed my head on her shoulder.

"See Tatum why can't you be like that?" Dewey whined from the front seat.

"Because you're my big brother Dewey you're supposed to defend me!" And so the sibling bickery ensued once again.

Once we made it to Tatum's we got dressed in our pajamas and just lounged around Tatum's room. I guess my clothes weren't up-to-par with the latest fashion because right when I walked in I earned an "ugh" from Tatum. "What?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning on the doorway with a goofy grin. "Well one, you always wear those ridiculous shirts, and two, change whatever you're doing." Standing up straight I tug down at my shirt, it was just a Pet Sematary shirt, I guess I do wear a lot of horror stuff. "I get why you don't like the shirt but what's wrong with what I was doing?" I asked in a genuinely confused tone. Tatum got up to cup my face and squeeze it. "You've been spending too much time with Billy and Stu, we need to re-acclimate you to society." She said and she pouted her lip, feigning pity for my accidental new traits. While Tatum was shuffling through her drawers I looked over at Sid. I mouthed, "Aren't you going to do something?" Sid shrugged and mouthed back, "What am I supposed to do?" I tossed my arms up in the arm and mouthed, "Anything."
Tatum then threw something purple and soft right at my face. "There, go put those on then come back so I can do your make up!" Tatum excitedly squealed. "We're going to take cute pictures so hurry!" She shouted down the hall. Rushing to the bathroom I turned on the light, releasing a breath I held in... I'm just a little scared after tonight, I don't know what's lurking in the dark places anymore. I examined the set of small shorts and a smooth satin sleeping hirt. I quickly threw them on before heading back to Tatum's room. When I came back I heard Tatum laughing.

"God I loved it! I'll send you a copy, BAM, bitch went down!" Tatum imitated the event. Punching her stuffed rabbit.

Moving to sit up she again said, "I'll send you a copy, bam! (Y/n), super bitch!" Tatum exclaimed shoving her arms out to the side. "She is so cool."

I moved over to her vanity, careful not to make any noise because I wanted to bask in the fame.

Dewey walked in saying, "Thought (y/n) might want some ice for that right hook" Just had to run it Dewey.

"Over here Dewey," I said as I sat at the end closest to the door.

He tossed me the greenish ice pouch before I said, "Thanks."

"I'll be right next door, try to get some sleep." Dewey said as Tatum waved him off.

I hopped onto the same bed as Tatum, I wanted to give Sid her space since she's going through a lot right now.

Turning to me Tatum asked, "Do you really think Billy did it?"

My heart was telling me to say no but all that came out of my mouth was, "He was there Tatum..."

"He was destined to have a flaw, I knew he was too perfect." Tatum said as she bobbed her head.

Hearing the phone ring in the other room just gave me instant chills, so did the knock at Tatum's door right after.

"Telephone honey," Tate's mom walked in.

"Who is it?" Tatum asked as we turned to look at Mrs. Riley.

"It's for the girls," She said, making Sid turn her entire body.

"Is it my dad?" Her question was eager with hope in her voice.

"I don't think so," Tatum's mom said as she gave a sympathetic smile.

Sid turned back over, having no interest in the matter anymore.

"Take a message," Tatum said, leaning back against the headboard.

Getting up I said, "No it's okay, I'll answer it." It might be something important, even if it isn't our parents.

As I walked out I could hear the pitter-patter of Sid's sock covered footsteps follow me to the phone.

"Hello?" I asked, crossing my fear arm over my chest.

"Hello, (y/n)." Oh no, the voice was obviously the ghost masked man from just hours ago. His words were drawn out just hoping for a reaction.

I gave him exactly what he wanted, "No! Stop, stop this now!" I wailed out.

Sidney came to my side, along with Tatum and her family.

"Poor Sidney's Billy boyfriend, that guy doesn't stand a chance with her." This Ghostface said in mock gossip as if he were one of the girls.

"Leave me and my sister alone! You Jack Torrance sounding creep!" I exclaimed, shaking from the pure rage and fear that swam through my body.

"Looks like your sister fingered the wrong guy, again!" The masked murderer snarled on the other side of the line. (AN: pls look at the comments for this line, they're hilarious!)

"What are you talking about? Who are you?" I asked in complete confusion by his words. Tatum and Sidney were begging me to hang up the phone.

"Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough, I promise." He said before letting his line go dead.

"What?!" Dewey exclaimed as he rushed out to us a little too late. We were already walking back to the room

I couldn't sleep for the entire night, neither could Sid and Tatum. We tried keeping our minds off of things by doing light hearted girly stuff like playing game, painting our nails and taking cute pictures with Tatum's instant camera. I just wasn't ready to leave the warm security of our friend's home tomorrow morning.

Scream Queen Book 1: Conventional Final GirlWhere stories live. Discover now