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Nine months pregnant

Nine months pregnant

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❤️ 100.0K 💬 99.0K - CorbynBesson, DanielSeavey, JonahMarais, JackAveryMusic, Zachherron, Jodie_Clark

Abi_Mitch: 8am, our daughter, Terra Remi Besson. 8 lbs 7oz. She looks just like Beany, if I say so myself!

DanielSeavey: HOLY COW! Congratulations guys! I cannot wait to meet her!

Wdw_Lover: Aw... congrats Corbyn and Abi! 

JonahMarais: I cannot wait to hold her! Oh my god! I'm an uncle again!

Zachherron: Someone pinch me they had her! I cannot wait to meet Terrra! Oh my.... I bet she is just like her mamma!

JackAveryMusic: Another WDW baby! Yes! I cannot wait to hold her! Oh sweet Terra a friend for Lavy! 

AshleyMaeBesson: AHHHH I AM AN AUNT!

Jordan_Besson: I'm on my way.... save me a cuddle! 

 save me a cuddle! 

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❤️ 300.9K 💬 200.9K - Abi_Mitch, DanielSeavey, JonahMarais, JackAveryMusic, Zachherron, Jodie_Clark

CorbynBesson: Terra Remi Besson. Our sweet girl! Obviously we haven't shown her face but we're gonna hold off for a week because we want to spend time with her and get used to being awake all night. I hope you understand! :) 

Abi_Mitch: We have a baby! Terra is here! 

JackAveryMusic: Us two dads are the cool ones out of the band! I want to hug squeeze her cheeks! 

Zachherron: Woo! Baby Terra love you already! 


Lorna xx

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