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❤️ 77

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❤️ 77.9K  💬 88.9K - CorbynBesson, DanielSeavey, JonahMarais, JackAveryMusic, Zachherron, Jodie_Clark

Abi_Mitch: Take me back to Santa Monica please..... Beany we gotta bring our girl here :)

CorbynBesson: That's a must. We must come back with our little princess :) 

JonahMarais: Did you put your toe in the water?

Jodie_Clark: What a pretty sky..... wow. Seriously take me with you.

 Seriously take me with you

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❤️ 97.9K 💬 98.9K - Abi_Mitch, DanielSeavey, JonahMarais, JackAveryMusic, Zachherron, Jodie_Clark

CorbynBesson: Take me back but my girl and our princess will be back! Take a look at that sea :)

DanielSeavey: Damn Bean, did you go for a swim? 

Abi_Mitch: Family picnic.... with the boys too! 

 with the boys too! 

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❤️ 99.9K 💬 98.9K - CorbynBesson, DanielSeavey, JonahMarais, JackAveryMusic, Zachherron, Jodie_Clark

Abi_Mitch: Nearly there. This girl is using my bladder as a drum kit :P Thanks baby girl :) 

CorbynBesson: Bladders make the best drum kits! Love you! 

Jodie_Clark: Damn I want a baby now! Ugh!

Another update!

Lorna xx

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