Chapter Five: The Way We Were

Depuis le début

"Is that dick's last name Boonsing?" Gun said standing up. 

"Yeah." I replied, "how do you know?"  

"He lives a few houses down from me, just turned eighteen, has been pestering me for a free tattoo." Gun explained rolling his eyes. 

"Call him." Oat and I were going to have a little chat. 

After Max and Tul left, Oat arrived fifteen minutes later. Gun invited him in. 

I was peering down the hall with a clear view of them two. I didn't have plans to kick his ass or anything, but he and I were going to have a talk. 

"I'm still setting up can I get you a drink?" Gun asked him playing the role of a gracious host.

Oat laughed and licked his lips as he started invading Gun's personal space. 

But I wasn't too worried,

Gun led a regimented lifestyle, he ran cross country, did some weightlifting, and mixed martial arts. His father insisted on him protecting himself when he came out at the young age of ten. His dad worried his gentle disposition would attract some unsavory characters and wanted him to be able to defend himself.  

"Did you really call me over, for a tattoo? I know you're into me." 

Oat attempted a kiss, but Gun acted swiftly, turning his head so he ended up kissing the side of his face.

"Eww, gross!" Gun shoved Oat away, "Puh-lease, if I were dying and your dick was the antidote, I would prefer a slow painful death instead." 

"Why you little tease..." Oat cocked his fist back, though I knew Gun could handle himself, this was my fight not his. 

"Who the fuck are you calling a tease?" I demanded emerging from the hall rushing right for him. 

When Oat saw me, his eyes widened slightly in fear, just as my fist connected to his face. 

"So, you wanna out people online and at school, but try to fuck Gun behind closed doors?" 

Oat spit out blood, "What's wrong, mad your buddy here doesn't want you, but me instead?" 

"Honey, nobody wants you." Gun laughed moving out the way. 

I got directly in Oat's face. 

"This is what you're going to do. You're going to go on Facebook and issue an apology stating that you and Prem had a fight and you made up that lie because you were pissed off, you're going to do the same thing at school on Monday, and personally apologize to him in front of everyone." 

Oat immediately started laughing. "Like hell I will."

"If you don't, you'll know exactly how Prem feels." I threatened. 

Oat looked at Gun, who waved and blew a kiss at him. 

"It's my word versus his. Everyone knows this guy's a flamer; I'll just say he came on to me." 

I shook my head and laughed. Gun pulled out his cell phone, showing it was recording. 

Oat looked as though he was about to piss his pants. 

"Did I forget to mention my dad is super overprotective." Gun smiled. "So much so that he felt it was very necessary to install motion sensors and cameras throughout the entire house, would you like to see?" 

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