Chapter Five: The Way We Were

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Boun Point of View

Flashback Begins (Prem:16 – Boun: 19)

"I'm telling you Boun, this chick's skills are sick." Max gushed, "Her Japanese technique is crazy. It doesn't matter what she does from dragons, to samurais, or geishas they come out as masterpieces." 

"How does a stripper have time to do tattoos?" Gun asked confused. 

"She's not a stripper, she bartends there at night." Tul laughed, "She actually attends the same college as us, she's an art major." 

"What's her name again?" I asked staring at my phone. I was trying to listen to the flow of conversation, but I hadn't heard from Prem all day. He wasn't answering my calls or responding to my texts. 

"Gena Desouza." 

"You know Boun, I think she is actually a stripper." Max said elbowing Gun. 

"Oh?" I absentmindedly responded, my eyes never leaving my phone screen. 

"She does this cool trick with marbles and a water bottle." Gun added giggling. 

"Sounds...hydrating." I sent another text, no response. 

"BOUN!" They all simultaneously yelled at me. 

"Why the fuck are you all shouting at me?" I exclaimed frustrated. 

"You're not listening to shit we're saying, dude." Tul chuckled. 

"I'm sorry guys, I haven't heard from Prem all day, this isn't like him." 

"Are you sure you two are just friends?" Tul asked, Max hit him upside his head, "What the fuck asshole!"

"That's none of your damn business." Max reprimanded. 

"Guys don't fight..." My phone rang, it was Prem, I quickly picked up, "Salapao! Where have you been?" 

"Hia..." He was crying so hard I could barely understand him. 

My adrenaline immediately started pumping. 

"What's wrong? What happened?" I demanded grabbing my keys. 


Oh. Hell. Fuck. No. Disclosing someone's orientation without their consent is the most jacked up thing you could ever do. 

I didn't like Oat the moment I met him, and not just because he was Prem's boyfriend, but he was a total dick. 

"After I...broke...up...with him...he told everyone at school...that we weren't friends anymore...because...because...I came on to him." 

My blood was boiling. 

They were boyfriends. Secret boyfriends. But still boyfriends. Secondly, he was the one who came on to my Salapao first.

"It's all-over Facebook. What if my parents find out?" He sobbed, "I'm dropping out of school." 

"No, you're not." I told him sharply, "There's no way in hell you're dropping out because of that asshole. Just give me an hour, and I'll be over there soon."


Once I hung up, I could see the livid expressions on my friends faces. 

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