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It had been about 50 years since the loss of my beloved, and ever since then I had been sitting in the lerkim of a small cottage, isolated, alone, not having any contact with the outside world. I had spent every waking moment of my life regretting what I had done and wishing I had made different choices. I would have continued like this until I died if it weren't for what happened next.

One night I was about to go to sleep, I heard someone approaching my home outside, so I went to the sealed window and peaked between the planks. It was a young boy, probably around 12, who looked around before looking up to the window. He asked if I was the Onceler and if I could tell him about trees, and so I told the boy my story. 

I told him about y/n, about the truffula forest, and about the smogging and glupping and hacking I did that destroyed the forest. The boy was very interested in what I had to say, but I could see the sadness grow for each step in the story I told. When I told him about the Lorax who spoke for the trees his eyes lit up, like a hope was ignited inside his heart. Before the boy left he asked me about the stone left by the Lorax, with the words UNLESS carved into it. 

"What is an unless, and why did he leave it here?" he asked, looking at me in wonder. I thought about it for a moment. "What is an unless? Whatever that meant, well, I just couldn't guess." I began.

"That was long, long ago. But each day since that day I've sat here and worried and worried away. Through the years, while my buildings have fallen apart, I've worried about it with all of my heart. But now..." I stopped and looked at the boy with a gleam in my eyes. 

"Now that you're here, the word of the Lorax seems perfectly clear. UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

I turned around and rummaged through a drawer in my desk, looking for that special something. I found it and picked it up, sticking my hand out of the window. I dropped the small thing down to the boy, who caught it in his hands and looked at it curiously. "What's this?" he asked.

"You're in charge of the last of the truffula seeds, and truffula trees are what everyone needs. Plant a new truffula -  treat it with care, give it clean water, and feed it fresh air. Grow a forest, protect it from axes that hack. Then the Lorax and all of his friends may come back." I told the young boy who nodded confidently before turning around and leaving my home. I put all my faith in the boy, hoping he would fix what I never could. 

The weeks passed by and turned into months, and I was holding onto the hope of that young boy. After who knows how long I finally noticed it. On the outside of my home the smog had began clearing and the river was free from glupp. I went down from the lerkim and stepped outside for the first time in a long time. The air was fresh and I saw that small truffula saplings had began growing everywhere around me. 

I may be an old man, but I still took to my tears and chuckled to myself as I started watering the tree saplings. I was so proud of the youngling, he had done the impossible. I heard swomee-swans singing in the distance, and humming-fish returning to the river. The valley was healing and I felt a happiness grow inside me. Suddenly, I noticed a beam of light apearing behind me and I turned around to see what it was. I squinted my eyes and shielded them with the help of my hand, and I saw someone I thought I'd never see again. Down from the beam I saw the Lorax landing on that old stone with the words UNLESS carved into it. I stared in disbelief as my old friend gave me a proud smile. "You've done good, Beanpole." he said and I laughed in response, feeling genuine joy. I bent down and hugged the Lorax, who kindly returned the hug. 

"It's good to see you, old friend." I said and let go of him, getting back on my feet. My back hurt a little from bending over, but it wasn't too bad. "You too, old man. Nice mustache, by the way." he laughed at the sight of my big, gray mustache growing from my face, and I nudged him playfully with my hand. 

"Hey, beanpole, I got something for you. I think you're deserving of a gift now that you've finally made amends." the Lorax said and waved me over to the backside of my small house, and I walked after him. I used the walls of my house as support and made my way over, and when I laid my eyes upon what was waiting for me my eyes immediatly watered. 

I saw y/n standing there, bathing in the golden sunlight that lit up every inch of their beautiful hair, reminding me of the truffula valley the first time I saw it. They turned around and I saw that they had aged as well, wrinkles residing on their face and grey strands of hair peaking out. The sunlight reflected in their eyes, making them look big and glossy. They were just as beautiful as the day I lost them, and I sniffled as I walked over to them. Y/n opened their arms and pulled me into a loving embrace, and I burst out in tears, not able to hold back anymore. I never realised how much I had missed them and how much I loved them. The touch of their hair was softer than silk, and it smelled like butterfly milk. It was almost as if the truffula trees were a real person. I pulled back and looked at them once more, noticing the tears in the corner of their eyes. I took off the green, fuzzy, old glove and gently placed my hand on their cheek, wiping away the tear.

"How are you still here?" I asked curiously. I was happy they were back, but I still wondered how that was possible when they died so long ago. They chuckled lightly and took my hand, kissing it gently. It sent a shiver down my spine as I hadn't felt human touch in so long. 

"Because you kept that seed I was never fully gone. I wasn't entirely dead, but in a deep, death-like slumber. When you gave the seed to that boy and let him plant it, my soul was slowly healing as the truffula tree began growing. I never got to tell you this, but I'm a forest spirit too, albeit not an immortal one." they said and pulled up their sleeve. The scars they used to have were fading, and they looked more alive than ever. I noticed something glimmering by their collarbone, and I reached out to push away the fabric so I could see. I saw the gold necklace with the ruby red gemstone hanging there, looking brand new. I lifted my gaze and looked at y/n in awe, my heart fluttering in my chest. They placed their hand on the necklace and smiled to me.

"I've kept this promise with me for all these years. The promise that we'd stay together through what comes next. A sign of our eternal love." they said and placed their hand on my cheek. I leaned into their touch and shed a tear, the joy and love overtaking my body. 

At last I got my happy ending. I wasn't sure I deserved it, but I wasn't going to wallow in grief and regret anymore. I could finally start my life anew with the person I loved in the place where we belonged. 

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