Chapter 9

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I was awoken to a light kiss on the forehead the next morning, and when I opened my eyes I saw Oncie getting dressed and ready for a new day. 

"Good morning." I yawned and sat up, feeling extremely tired. He must've thought I was still asleep and jumped when I spoke.

"Aah! Y/n, I thought you were still sleeping." he let out a breath and placed his hand on his chest. I chuckled and laid back down, not feeling rested enough to get up yet. "No, but yeah. I think I''ll sleep a bit longer actually.." I yawned again, pulling the cover under my arm. He smiled at me and nodded.

"That's cool, I'm just gonna do some preparations before my family arrive today. Also, just to warn you, they can be intense. Other than that I'd suggest getting the sleep you need now before they arrive, trust me, it won't be this quiet after that." he continued and headed outside. I let out a breath and fell asleep for a few more hours. 

I awoke abruptly to the sound of honking and loud voices outside later on and my head began aching by the sudden noise. I groaned silently and slipped out of bed, feeling really grouchy, and went to make myself a cup of tea to start the day. While the water was boiling my mind went back to last night when we almost kissed, and I felt my heart flutter inside my chest, making me feel warm and light-headed. I placed my hand on the necklace hanging around my neck and smiled to myself.

I decided to go wash my face and freshen up a bit before putting on some nice clothes so I looked appropriate when meeting Oncie's family for the first time. I went outside with the tea cup in my hand, finding Oncie bickering with the Lorax. Seemed like they had been arguing a little while now. 

"That's right, and on behalf of the trees- get out!" the Lorax shouted at the family members standing in front of a gigantic RV. I gasped at the huge creation standing before me, not really sure how to feel about it.

"Will you just- be nice? This is my family, and I'm going to need their help if my company is going to get bigger." Oncie answered with a pleading voice, but that wasn't what the Lorax reacted to.

"Bigger?" he asked, his voice tinted with disappointment.

"Yeah! This isn't some rinky-dink operation anymore. I've got plans. Big plans! A vision... of a world filled with thneeds! It's gonna be huge!" he grinned and gestured greatness with his arms. The Lorax sighed and looked at Oncie.

"Which way does a tree fall?" he muttered.

"Uh... down?" Oncie responded confused.

"A tree falls the way it leans. Be careful which way you lean." he said with sad eyes looking up at Oncie before turning around and walking away. I went over to Oncie and placed my hand on his back, looking after the Lorax where he left. 

"What do you think he meant by that?" Oncie turned to me with a wondering look in his eyes. I thought for a moment, but couldn't really grasp the meaning behind the Lorax' words. 

"I'm not sure, but I think he might be worried about the future of the forest." I answered and looked at him. I won't lie, I had a bad feeling in my gut as well. Not because I didn't trust him to make the right decision, I had faith in him, but I still couldn't shake that feeling away. We headed back to the family and began organizing and giving out roles. I was going to be the main knitter with Oncie as soon as he was done with the blueprints for the factory, while the rest of his family went about harvesting tufts from the treetops. It was a long day with much preparations and when we finally had some time for ourselves again it was already nighttime. 

Oncie and I went on a walk out in the moonlight and stopped when we reached a small clearing. We held around each other as we looked at the view of the truffula forest, which in my eyes was the most beautiful place in the entire world. Then again, it was the only place I really knew. 

I decided to go for it and turned around, intertwining our fingers together and looking into his eyes. A subtle blush spread across his face and the moonlight twinkled in his eyes. I got on my tippy-toes and planted a passionate kiss on his lips, which he happily reciprocated. We kissed for a long moment, finally able to express the love we felt for each other. I pulled back after a moment and chuckled lightly, feeling like I coud swoon any minute. 

"That was amazing." he smiled and planted a kiss on my forehead. "It was, I've been waiting to do that for a while." I answered and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and laughed a little. "I didn't think you were interested at first, even if I had been trying to drop hints every now and then heh. But when you kissed my cheek last night I realised I had been totally oblivious seeing as you literally reciprocated every hint I gave." he rubbed his neck embarassed and averted his gaze. 

"To be fair I had a feeling that you were hinting to something, but I didn't want to get my hopes up in case you were just being super friendly." I mumbled back and took his hand, holding it gently. We looked at each other and he came closer, kissing me once more. 

"I just want you to know how much your support has really meant to me. I'm grateful for you, y/n. Truly, and I already said all this before but I really mean it." he said and kissed my hands gently, sending tingles through my body. I sensed the genuineness of his words and couldn't help but smile happily. 

"I never would've believed you were such a softie when we first met hehe, you've got a good heart, Oncie. I hope you'll always know that I'll be there for you." I said and embraced him warmly once more. 

What a beautiful day.

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