Chapter 2

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When I got to the orphanage I didn't make any friends at all they bullied me and abused me all I wanted to do was end it all but some how I felt that I couldn't that something good would happen soon but what? The bullying got so much worst I hated being in this orphanage with no friends all I did was stay locked up in my room all alone with no one to talk to.
"Well look who it is the unwanted ugly fat faith!" Snickered one of the popular girls here at the orphanage her name is Britney she and her cupcake face friends always beat me up while the others watch. By cupcake face I mean they wear so much makeup it looks like a colorful cupcake rapped their faces! I was interrupted from my thoughts when I felt a sting on my cheek she just slapped me! A few tears slipped from my eyes but I wiped them away quickly. Britney and her followers began to kick me and punch me I cried and cried and screamed for help but the other girls just looked and laughed.


the lads and I are deciding on adopting a child well we are kinda being forced to by Simon but I guess we have to be more responsible i mean it is partly our faults since we uh kinda got drunk and destroyed some people's property hehe. So we are on our way to an all girls orphanage here in London "so lads what age should the little tommo be eh?"
"Um well we don't want any baby's or a girl too young it will be easier to adopt a girl around 12-14?" Replied Liam the other boys just nodded in response barely glancing up from their phones. We arrived at the orphanage and when we entered we heard screaming and crying from upstairs so we ran as quickly as possible to see.....


I was still being beat by the cupcake face squad (a/n I'm sorry I had to it's like da best squad name ever don't cha think?) when I hear foot steps approaching "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!" Yelled a man about in his 20's he then came and helped me up I flinched at his touch but then again I was too weak and injured to even care.


We saw this poor girl being beat by other girls with way too much make up on they resembled a  "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!!" I yelled this poor girl I picked her up she flinched at my touch then relaxed a bit she was a very pretty girl she had long dark brown hair and the most beautiful eyes she had a bruise on her cheek already. She looked about 12 or 13 she was very small I wonder why these girls would even think to hurt her! I think I want to adopt her... We might have to get her cleaned up and and get to know her first but I'm pretty sure she's the one she's going to be my little tommo!
Heyyy guys how do you like it so far any questions concerns complaints recommendations? Lol I'm so happy a few people have seen my book and I barely posted it a while ago thank you guys so much! Tell your friends to read it please! Oh and I need a few people for some new characters please just comment on the character you would like to be put what you look like and any info about yourself that I can put for the character thxx
Faiths best friend
Bully at school
Bullies' squad!
Anyways bye my gorgeous people!! 👏👋👋 I'll update in a bit since I'm a loner hehe #Loner4Lifee xxx 💗💗💗

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