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I was awoken by a Bright ass light. I slowly peeled my eyes open to see the Curtins open and the sun shining directly in my face. Tf.?  My dorm doesn't have a window this big....That's when I felt a very heavy object on me. I looked down to see a tatted arm possesively wrapped around my waist. All the memories from last night came back and I blushed mad hard.

I needed to get out of here and quick.  Dnt get me wrong,last night was amazing but.....idk That's just wasn't me. I carefully slipped from his grasp and got out the bed. The sexy man from last night rolled over and shifted a bit before turning back over. The whole time I held my breath hoping he wouldn't wake up. When I saw he was still sleeping I searched for my dress. Luckly it wasn't torn,can't say the same about my underwear tho....them bitches was torn, cut, ravished and discarded all over the floor. Makes me reminisce on last night

I put my dress on and shoes and found my clutch. Everything was still in it,including my phone so because I didn't drive  here I called a cab. They said they would arrive in 30 minutes. Good,enough time to fix Mr Sexy something to eat. Shid That's the least I could do since I am leaving without telling him. I made my way to the kitchen and whipped up some pancakes, Bacon and eggs. Something quick and easy. I  put it on the island along with a note  telling him I had a great time.

By time I was finished the cab was honking outside. I grabbed my stuff and headed outside locking the door behind me. On with my life.....

Mercy's POV

It's been 2 weeks since I last saw that girl. I still can't believe she left like that tho.  I'm mean she did leave me breakfast and erthang And a nigga appreciate it,but I mean I was feeling ole girl. She had the body of a goddess and lawd them hips and lips made a nigga take a double take. Them shits looked gooda than a mofo.!

I was a little surprised when she agreed to come back with me tho. But I wasn't trippin. I may sound like a pussy but I swea it was love at first sight. Idk I just felt something deep in me.  Something I never ever felt before. Not even for my mama...

But it's wateva I ain't stressin it. Life goes on right.??

I got out of bed and went to do my daily routine. You know the usual shit... When I was done,I went to my closet to pick out my outfit. As the owner of  2 car dealerships, a nigga gots to stay clean. I decided to go semi casual and picked out some dark washed trues, and white polo longsleeved shirt and my all white cocaine forces....

I cleaned up a bit,grabbed my car keys and wallet and was out.
Gots to make this money....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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