"Just about," he said. "I can't believe my little ___ is famous now! You should sing something for us."

"Sure," she said. "I came back here to see that boy that was just singing, though. Katsuki Bakugo? I just love his voice."

"He should be backstage."

"Great! I'll go on in ten," ____ said before walking further backstage. She stopped for a moment and looked around. There were no dressing rooms or makeup stations, no commotion, or people. It was fairly empty except for a few chairs and a table with water bottles and various bags of chips.

Katsuki's eyes widened for a moment when he saw _____. 'Fuck, she's gorgeous in person,' he thought. She had beautiful, shoulder-length, curly hair, which was in a side part. The yellow lights that illuminated the space made her brown eyes sparkle. He trailed his eyes down her figure, taking in every feature and curve he could. She was curvy, with deliciously thick thighs connected to her widened hips, which her black tights hugged beautifully. She wore a tight, low V-neck T-shirt, giving Katsuki a good view of her large boobs.

He inwardly cursed himself for gawking at her like some hormonal teenager, but deep down, he knew he couldn't help it.

When she looked at him, her eyes seemed to brighten, and she smiled, cute dimpled adorned her slightly chubby cheeks. She walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. "Katsuki Bakugo?"

He turned around and looked at her. "Yea, that's me," he said smoothly.

"I just love your voice!" ___ exclaimed. "You really are talented. Oh, I'm ____ Nakamura, by the way."

"I know who you are," Katsuki said. "Hayami, right?"

She nodded. "Nice to know that you've heard of me. I just wanted to say that you're an amazing singer."

"I know," Katsuki said with a small smirk.

____ giggled, and Katsuki swore, for a moment, that he was gonna have a heart attack.

"Can we take a picture?" She asked hopefully. Katsuki paused for a moment.

"Sure, whatever," he said. ____ pulled out her iPhone and stood next to Katsuki. At that moment, Katsuki noticed the height difference between them. She was obviously tall for a female, if he had to guess, he would say she's about 5'9, but he was about 6'4, so the top of her head came below his nose.

She struggled to get the perfect angle because of their height difference. Katsuki rolled his eyed before taking her phone and angling it perfectly. ____ smiled and held up a peace sign and Katsuki stared at the camera. After they took a few selfies, ___ took her phone.

"Do you have social media?" She asked. "I want to tag you in these if that's okay with you."

Katsuki stared at her in shock for a moment before pulling out his phone and showing her his Instagram. ____ followed him, then posted the pictures they took with the caption, 'This cutie is definitely the second-best singer in Musutafu, Japan. Of course, I'm first. @ KatsukiBakugo01

"I'm gonna go perform, I hope we see each other soon!" ___ said before walking out on stage. The people there immediately started screaming and cheering.

Katsuki stared at his phone for a moment. '____ fucking Nakamura followed me on Instagram, and tagged me in a post,' he thought in complete shock.

"What the fuck," he said.


Later that night, Katsuki walked into his dorm room, which he shared with his best friend Eijiro Kirishima. Once he opened the door, he paused. Denki, Mina, Kirishima, Mineta, Izuku, and Ochako sat in his room.

"Dude!" Kirishima exclaimed. "You met ____ fucking Nakamura, and you didn't call me?!" He exclaimed.

"Have you BEEN on social media since then?!" Ochako exclaimed.

Everyone in the room bombarded him with questions. Katsuki groaned loudly. "SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I BLAST YOUR ASSES INTO NEXT WEEK!" He exclaimed.

There was a moment of silence. "Just look," Kirishima said before showing Katsuki his phone. It's only been about two hours since ___ posted the picture, and it already had 998k likes and 409k comments. "So?" Katsuki said.

"Someone posted a video of you singing on Twitter and you're trending," Izuku said.

"Dude, look at your Instagram!" Kirishima exclaimed. Katsuki had gone from 1,917 followers to 109k. "You have 109 THOUSAND followers now!"

"I bet there are so many cute girls in your dms," Mineta said. "Slide some my way." Katsuki rolled his eyes and sat down at his desk.

"So, why are you people here?"

"Dude, how can you act like this isn't a big deal?!" Denki exclaimed. "You could get discovered and become famous!"

"Think of the ladies, you could have your own harem!" Mineta exclaimed.

"You'd have so much money!" Ochako said.

"You've always loved music, Kaachan," Izuku said.

"Look, you're getting ahead of yourselves. A little bit of clout doesn't change anything," Katsuki said. "There are people out there with twice as much clout as me, and they're hardly known."

After he said that, Katsuki put his headphones in and got on his laptop. Eventually, Izuku left with his girlfriend, Denki, and Mineta left. Mina stayed to hang with her boyfriend, Kirishima, and Katsuki listened to ____'s music.

After about an hour, Katsuki finally decided to scroll through his Instagram. He had 150k followers and 2,003 dm requests. Katsuki scrolled through them for a few minutes. Most of them were either thirsty ass girls, ____ stans, or haters. One particular message stuck out to him.

Hey! It was nice meeting you. Have you seen how much your page blew up tonight?! You're famous because of me- you're welcome~

Katsuki smiled and chuckled before clicking onto the message and responding.

I'm surprised you even decided to post me, or hmu, since you're the famous one.

I like to talk to my fans, especially the cute ones.

You really think I'm cute?

Of course, I wouldn't lie.

It sucks I'm leaving town after my interview tomorrow, I would've loved to hear you sing again.

How about this, if you become famous, we'll do a song together.

I- what?

If you become famous, as in, getting a manager and having fans and shit, then we can make a song together.


Of course~

Deal then. I'll see you again when I become famous.

I look forward to it~

Same here.

Katsuki stood up from his desk and stretched, before walking into the bathroom. After his shower, Katsuki laid on his bed and looked over at Kirishima, who was watching Demon Slayer.

"Oi, Shitty hair," Katsuki said.

"What's up?"

"Look," Katsuki said before showing him his messages with _____.

"DUDEEEEEEE," Kirishima exclaimed. Katsuki chuckled.

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