Chapter 5: Rochelle's Anger

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Rochelle Harris or Rochelle Daniels. She was born to a poor family in the village of Misota, this village was believed to be wealthy but then the king came and he started sending people that steal the village's goods and then sends the rescuers to save any village which makes him wealthy and gets him out of suspicion but the king knew that Harris is a great fighter and he will always defend the village. So the king decided to cast a spell on the little kid of one of his loyal men, Daniel Stevens. The little girl carried a curse that will make her family poor by time, and make the family members hate each other but the girl grew up as a kind good girl. She never harmed anyone and she never hated anyone, her heart was so pure that even when her brother punched her she told her parents that she fell on her face. She later started recognizing that her parents love her more than William and sometimes they get William the bad stuff and give her the good ones. Which made her really sad about that. She even once told her parents to treat them both as one not treat a one badly and treat the other one really well. But they didn't listen to her, the thing that resulted in their death. And now Rochelle is going home after she was exercising and studying with her friend Jake. "Okay Jake, I think it's really late now. I should go home. See you tomorrow." '''Shall I walk you home?''' "Nah Silly I'm fine. See you." She was walking slowly out of his house and started heading to her burned down house. When she got closer to the burning house she started smelling it. The house is burning that everyone is trying to distinguish the fire and she from a far has seen it. "This Is Bad! Mom. Dad. William!" –How could this house burn? Did mom forget something while she was cooking? Did a man who hates the family burn it like this? I should quickly go help distinguish the fire before it goes out of control!- She quickly ran and when she finally made it to the house the fire was already out. She got into the house even with a lot of people trying to stop her just to see if her family members were alright or what happened to them she was totally afraid that something bad might have happened to them. And her fears were true. She found the corpses of Harris and Marie. She got down on her knees and started crying. "This was my fault for being my parent's source of care! I should've told them to treat us both well but I didn't! William Killed both of them and he burned down the house and ran away! I bet that now he will be searching for me so that he can kill me and have no one witness the crime. He knows about me. He knows everything! I've seen an artifact that's just like his artifact, I will read it tomorrow but for now I should find anywhere to stay the night. And tomorrow I shall start reading the artifact, maybe it contains something useful." Rochelle carried the corpses of her parents and decided to bury it in the garden of the house. And the tiredly walked to Jake's home, she was really sad and angry that she wanted to kill someone for the first time in her entire life! She never hated anyone but now she hates William the most! Maybe she would've excused him if she was in his place. She doesn't even know about Rose The girl that was once the indirect cause of her brother being nice to her who died. He was really angry that he decided to go home and cry. She knocked on his room's door but he didn't open it. She thought that maybe he needs sometime alone that's why he's not opening the door or maybe he slept and she knows that he's a heavy sleeper. She finally got to Jake's house and she knocked on his door. "Jake please open." 'Who is that?' "It's me Rochelle. Please open the door and let me in, I'm So tired, my house was on fire and my parents died please let me in I have nowhere to go now except for you please open." 'Jeez fine girl calm down I'm opening the door.' "Thank you" He opened the door and he was in shock! He has seen her hair a bit more black than a few hours ago. 'Hey You're not joking! Come in Girl.' He got her some hot milk and some healthy biscuits to eat. 'What happened to you?' "Look My brother killed my Parents and burned down our house and now he wants to kill me. I don't know what will he do after this but I guess he will be satisfied after he sees my heart not pumping." '... I've seen your father before. He's 205 centimeters tall and he looks really strong. And your brother looks as strong as him. He can't simply kill his father like this.' "I've seen a black artifact or something like that with him before he burned down the house." 'An Artifact? Can you describe it for me?' "It's black and it looks like this one I have here." 'Hmmmmm This Artifact. So you're telling me that his artifact is black?' "Yes his Artifact is black." 'This is bad. The Artifact you have here is called Angel's fury while his artifact is called The Devil's Anger, His Artifact is stronger than this one unless you have an ally with you then you will be able to down that bastard!' "Jake, Don't say that word on my brother. Yes he killed my family but I still respect him. After all he's my brother and I shall respect him. It's also kind of my fault for being my parents favorite kid." 'Very well, tomorrow I will tell you everything about those Artifacts, TheirCreator and how I know about them.'

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