Chapter 5

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The next morning, Amy entered your room, even more cheery than when you saw her last yesterday.

"Good morning, Lady ____" she chimed as she brought your breakfast in to you. You began to nibble at the food as you watched her hum and dance through your room, preparing to get you ready again. You giggled.

"Good morning, Amy. Someone is awfully chipper this morning." You smiled at her as she picked up your new hairbrush and held it against her chest sighing in what seemed like a daydream.

"Oh, yes, yes I am!" she squealed as she ran and jumped onto your bed, you both giggled and she looked into your eyes with a seriously happy look on her face. "This morning, my best friend, Todd, gave me a hand full of the most beautiful flowers! Mother thinks he intends to ask me on a walk this evening, and I just can't wait." She said oozing with those lovey vibes you felt from other girls when they spoke to their friends in the cafe you used to read in.

You grabbed her hands, smiling with her, actually feeling happy for her. "I'm so glad, Amy. You are a wonderful girl, and you're beautiful too, you should have no problem getting him to admit he loves you soon." You suddenly gasped as you suddenly remembered what Caspian had told you where you were going last night before you left him to get some sleep.


"____ I think Aslan might have given us a clue as to where to start the journey. I will talk to one of my advisors and see if he agrees before we set off tomorrow."

You smiled at him and thanked him again before he took your hand and kissed your knuckles lightly, again, sending a warm feeling down your back.

"I'll see you in the morning, Caspian." You said as you opened the door and walked into your room.


"We're leaving today!" You blurted at Amy. "I'm not sure where we are going, but Caspian will be able to get us there and back without getting us lost on the way, right?"

Amy giggled as she pulled you back down onto the bed. "King Caspian has been on many travels, and been through countless miles of the world that we know. He will be able to guide AND protect you with ease." She pulled you off the bed as you finished your breakfast and she began to flip through the dresses that had been added to the wardrobe in your room.

Amy had pulled your hair back into a simple half-and-half braid so that your hair was still down, but away from your face. She then helped you into a beautiful velvet-blue dress with silver patterns that ran along the neckline, waist, and biceps. The dress was very comfortable. Amy smiled as you looked at yourself in the mirror.

"I suppose it's time to go." You said as you smoothed the front of the already-smoothed dress nervously. Amy grabbed your hand and pulled you out into the corridor with the both of you laughing. She began to pull you in a run, still giggling, and you jogged behind, allowing her to pull you, giggling along with her, until you reached the front doors of the castle already open wide. You took in a breath of fresh air as the sun hit your face before Amy pulled you again, this time to the bridge where Caspian had followed you during your panic yesterday.

You felt a sudden breeze beside you and stopped as Amy called out goodbye to you, to see the same flowered-face that had waved at you just before Caspian had found you yesterday. More flowers were added as the rest of her body was formed. The flower woman smiled at you again, before floating back a bit to curtsy at you. You smiled and curtsied back, still giggling a little. The flower woman giggled back before disappearing into the breeze again. You smiled as you watched the petals dance away from you, loving the magic that had just unfolded before your eyes.

"Nymphs." You heard Caspian's voice behind you and you turned to face him. "They're not just beautiful, they protect the nature of the kingdom. Plus, according to Lucy, they're very helpful if you're able to earn their trust." He smiled as he reached out his hand for yours. You handed it to him giggling and giving him a small curtsy as you had for the nymph while he kissed your knuckles again, sending a warm feeling through your chest that had begun to make you smile instead of blush when he did so.

He chuckled and held his arm out for you to loop yours through. You smiled and looped your arms around his as he led you back into the castle grounds. He explained that you would be going on a two day journey, which meant that you would be camping overnight on the way to your destination.

"I trust you, Caspian. I'm not sure why, as we've only just met, but.." You looked over his face, thoughtfully, wondering why he would be willing to help you, especially after hearing you're the reincarnation of the White Witch's only child. "I just do."

He smiled at this, before you walked up to a small group of magical creatures and humans alike. "____, these are a few of my men. They'll be with us on our journey to help protect you if anything should happen. Although Narnia is still a peaceful place, there are still a few groups of Narnians in the woods who have not heard the war is over yet." you smiled at him thankfully, as you noticed Reep running up to stand in front of you.

"Reep, are you coming too?" You asked, hiding your excitement in your voice.

He gave you a small bow, and you returned it with your new-found curtsy you enjoyed before giggling again and hearing him state with pride. "Of course! I shall never miss a good adventure! Besides, Caspian is a wonder with the sword, but he could never compare to the great Reepicheep!"

Before long, Caspian was helping you onto the back of your own horse before leaping up onto his own beside you. You and Caspian rode beside each other in the middle of the group as you began.

"Caspian?" you asked looking over to his face.

"Yes?" he asked, eyes still on the road ahead. You shook your head and began to ask him questions about his favorite stories, and answering his questions about yours as well. The rest of the day went along smoothly as you rode. You came across a stream just before the sunset when Reep finally spoke up again.

"This looks like a great place to set up camp for the night." He announced proudly as he hopped off of your horses head and onto the ground.

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