Chapter 8

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You walked next to Caspian, both of you holding your hands behind your back, smiling at each other shyly.

"____?" Caspian stopped as you reached the flap of your tent.

"Yes?" You said stepping in front of him and facing away from your tent.

He smiled as he rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, you were beginning to realize that was his nervous habit, same as you playing with your hair.

"I really enjoy talking to you. You make me feel like I'm not a king, even if it's only for a moment."

You smiled and blushed slightly, noticing how the stars twinkle beautifully behind him.

"I enjoy talking to you too, Caspian." You said, looking down. You felt a gentle touch on your chin that lifted your face to look up at him. You felt your breath slow as Caspian began to cautiously, slowly, make his way closer to you.

After what seemed like forever to you, he softly pressed his lips against yours. You leaned into the kiss a little to show him that you didn't mind. You both smiled as he pulled away, blushing.

"Good night, ____."

"Sleep well, Caspian." You softly returned as you turned to step into your tent. You found yourself humming as you got ready to sleep, and soon you were laying down and dreaming of Caspian.


You woke in the morning before the sun had rose. You quickly got dressed and walked down to the stream, knowing that anyone from camp could see you so you were still safe. You sat on a flat stone and smiled as you enjoyed the breeze, the view, and the peace of the morning.

"You're up rather early, Lady ____." You almost jumped as Reep interrupted your thoughts.

You smiled down at him and held out your hand. He stepped onto it and you allowed him to sit on your shoulder.

"I suppose I am, but as you know, that's the very thing that brought me here, as well." You smiled, and then remembered everything that you had felt since you arrived only a few days ago. Then you remembered what happened between you and Caspian last night, feeling the heat rising to your cheeks.

"Lady ____, you're blushing rather brightly. Are you alright?" Reep asked, concerned. You giggled slightly before looking down at the water.

"I don't think I've ever been happier, Reep." You felt a tear slide down your cheek as Reep's small 'hand' wiped it away. "I just hope that I don't have to leave when this is all over."

Reep nodded, and sat on your shoulder quietly watching the sun rise with you, just as Happy used to every morning. 

"Wow, so that's what it feels like to just watch the sun rise. Are there always so many colors?" Reep asked looking over to you. You smiled, looking back.

"Actually, the setting sun is much more beautiful, there are more colors."

"There certainly are." You suddenly heard Caspian's voice behind you, causing Reep to fall off your shoulder. You giggled and Caspian chuckled as Reep picked himself back up.

"You okay, Reep?" You asked sweetly.

"Yes, I'm alright, I'm alright." The tough mouse almost squeaked when you picked him up and gave him a small hug.

"Thanks for everything, Reep." You whispered in his little ear. He smiled and walked off with his chest puffed out and began barking orders at the soldiers who had already woken up. Caspian stepped closer to you, still smiling.

"May I?" he motioned over to the spot next to you on the stone. You smiled and felt a small blush reappear on your cheeks as you brushed your hair behind your ear.

"Of course." He sat next to you, both of you still smiling. You looked over at him and quickly looked away when he realized you were staring at him.

"Caspian, I wanted to thank you." You spoke aloud as you watched the stream dance through the rocks in front of you.

"For?" He asked, looking at you curiously.

You smiled and began to play with your fingers in your lap. "Well, since I've arrived, everything has been... I have just been so... Well happy." You softly smiled as you let out a small giggle. "And that's mostly because of you..."

"_-" You held up a hand as Caspian began.

"Let me finish. Caspian." You looked into his eyes and felt another stray tear begin to slowly fall down your cheek. "Caspian, I can't say that I've ever been happy, content, or even peaceful like this before, and I have to admit that if I do end up having to leave Narnia..." Caspian reached over and cupped your cheek in his hand, wiping the tear away with his thumb. "If I have to leave Narnia," you continued after a deep breath. "Then I will miss you more than anything."

"____," Caspian pulled your head to his chest, wrapping you in a warm hug. "____, I don't think you're leaving Narnia. But if you did," he took a deep breath and you leaned away enough to look into his face. He smirked, looking back at you. "I would miss you, as well."

You laid your head back on his chest and smiled as he hugged you gently. Before long you heard someone behind you.

"Sorry to interrupt, my king, but it is time to continue down the road." You released each other, blushing slightly as Caspian turned to the voice and found the centaur that had brought you your food last night. 

"Come on, ____. Let's go figure this out together." He took your hand and led you to the area where everyone was gathering. You walked over to your horse and kissed his nose softly again, he leaned his head down and placed the top of his head against your forehead, and he let out a small breath. 

"Good morning, boy." You smiled as the horse nudged your hand softly. "Ready to go find out who I am?" He stepped forward slightly and nudged your upper arm, causing you to giggle.

"You're lucky to have earned the trust of Arthur here, he will only allow ladies to ride him, but he's never been attached to anyone before." You glanced over and noticed that Caspian had been watching your interaction with the horse. You smiled at him as you pet the horse a little more.

"Well, animals can sense your intentions." You smiled turning back to the horse and petting him with both hands as you continued. "And my only intentions with Arthur are to be his friend. He knows that." You smiled as Caspian watched the horse move forward so that you were now standing beside the saddle.

Caspian stepped over to you and helped you reach the saddle to get on. He then got on his own horse, and you started to continue your journey down the road.

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