The Padawan: Identity

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And then he had died for her, and for Adhara.

"I'm aware, Master," she said, voice tight, "but I ensure you I am."

  A smile pulled at Luminara's face, a smile Adhara didn't like. The blade of her saber extended, pointed at Adhara's chest. "Prove it, padawan."

Adhara's voice caught in her throat as she stared at the lightsaber, her brain struggling to process. The Echani part of her wanted to fight so bad – it was part of the species, to get to know each other and prove oneself through battle. But the part of her that was Mirialan was deeply offended that she had to do this.

She was Mirialan, and she was Echani. She did not have to prove herself to be either or.

Obi-Wan stepped up beside her, shooting Luminara a scandalized look. "What's going on here?" he hissed.

Luminara shrugged. "I don't take kindly to one flaunting my culture if they don't have what it takes to be Mirialan."

Adhara gaped, but Luminara's face was serene and impassive, only her eyes betraying her anger. It made Adhara's teeth grind together, but she swallowed down her rage.

"This is ridiculous," Obi-Wan snapped, glaring daggers at Luminara. "If Adhara says she's half Mirialan, then she's half Mirialan. You can't make her fight for her identity."

"It's fine, Master," Adhara said, letting her lightsaber out. Letting her Echani half take over, that relished in a fight. She glared at Luminara. "If I must prove myself, then I will."

He ground his teeth together. "Adhara..."

But he couldn't say anymore, because Luminara was jumping at Adhara.

She rolled out of the way, rising onto her knees to parry Luminara's blade. She shoved Luminara back, flipping onto her feet as she met the Jedi's onslaught head on.

The thing about Mirialan's was they were flexible and fast, making them truly amazing fighters. Luminara had those skills, but so did Adhara. And Adhara was half Echani, meaning she could read people through their body language and anticipate their next move. So Ahdara's saber was already there to met every strike, their bodies moving so fast they were a blur.

Adhara leaped forward, beginning her own onslaught. Sweat poured into her eyes, but she gritted her teeth, swinging her saber and spinning and refusing to be beaten.

I am Mirialan, she thought forcefully in her mind. And I will prove anyone who says different wrong.

Suddenly, she was hit with the Force  square in the chest, making her, stumble backwards. In her peripheral she could see Luminara do the same, and Anakin and Obi-Wan stepped up, hands outstretched.

"That is enough," Obi-Wan snarled before freeing them, and Anakin did the same, glaring at the Mirialan Jedi. "Luminara, was that proof enough for you?"

The Jedi master brushed sweat off of her forehead, cocking her head at Adhara.

"I think so," Luminara said, sheathing her lightsaber. She inclined her head at Adhara. "It is nice to see another Mirialan in the Jedi Temple."

Adhara exhaled as Luminara walked away, letting her own lightsaber retract. Obi-Wan's nostrils flared, and Ahsoka moved closer, trying to read Adhara.

Anakin clapped Adhara on the back. "You did it, Adhara!  You proved her wrong!"

Adhara worried her bottom lip as Obi-Wan turned back to them, his arms crossed over his chest. "Yes," he said, his voice still hard. "But she should not have had to."

The Padawan and the Rebelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن