Chapter 8

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"And here we are back in Melburne for the Opening race weekend of the season." "This weekend we will have two drivers making their formula one debut. Nicholas Latifi from canada, racing for Williams and Hannah Van Staden from South Africa, racing for Red Bull." "Whats intresting about Hannah is that she is the first woman to race in f1 in the 21st century. She is the youngest driver on the grid. Also one of the very few drivers to drive under the South African license in the history of Formula One." "She is also the first driver to move straight into the Red Bull car from their junior program without being put in Alpha Tauri first. I think that alone will make for a very interesting season."


I walk into the garage greeting people I pass. I quickly admire my name on my driver door before walking in and closing the door behind me. I sit down and hear a knock on the door. "Hannah?" I hear. "Yes?" I reply and the door opens to reveal Steve, my trainer. "Hey Hannah. I'm going to give you five minutes to change and then we are going to warm up. Q1 starts in 45 minutes." He says. "Ok. I'll be done in a sec." I say to him before he quickly ducks out of my room. I close the blinds on the window and change out of my jeans and team shirt into my fireproofs and race suit. After I tie my race suit around my waist and braid my hair quickly before opening my door. "Ok let's get started." Steve said, walking back in.

Once I've finished warming up I walk to where my engineers are. I walk up to one of the screens with rows of information on. "Ok Hannah, we are going to start on Softs and then decide for q2 and q3 between mediums or softs." My lead engineer, Gareth, says from next to me. "Great, that's assuming I make it into Q2." I laugh. "I'm sure you will do amazing." Christian said after magically appearing next to me. "Good luck." Christian smiles and walks to the pit wall. I grab my headphones and prepare for qualifying.

"Move to the side, Lando is on his timed lap." My engineer says. I move over as I'm currently on my out lap and let lando past. "Fast as possible. Don't worry about the slower cars they will move out the way." Gareth said as I round the final corner. I speed up as I cross the start/finish line. I make my way around the track and pass a few cars along the way. "That was good but this time try go faster in sector 2." Gareth says. "Currently P14." I hear which wakes me up a little.

As I continue in Q1 I don't hear anything from my engineers other than "box box box" or "push in this sector". Which is kind of annoying since I want to know how I'm doing. "Ok this is the last lap and then you will come back to the garage." I hear. "Ok." I confirm and push hoping to improve my time, even though I still don't know where exactly I am currently.

I pull into the pit lane and stop at the garage while they wheel me in. There are smiles all over my team. Which means I must have done well. "So?" I ask as I take of my helmet. "You came p10. Which is fantastic for your first quali session. We have about 5 minutes before Q2 so be ready." Christian says to me. I nod and take a Red Bull from one of the staff members who was standing next to me. "Thank you." I say to her and she nods before scurrying off.

"Hannah. Get in the car. We must go out in a minute." I hear and put my baklava and helmet back on. After I maneuver my way back into the car one of the team members stand in front of the car and eventually wave me out the garage and into the pit lane.

I round the second last corner in one of my slower laps. "You're currently p9. You have enough time for one more lap. Your decision if you want to come in or try one last lap." Gareth says. "Ok. I'm going to go once more" I agree and pick up the pace, going as fast as possible. I pick the faster racing line and pass drivers on their in lap and even some on their timed lap. I cross the line and I feel really proud of that lap. "Well done Hannah, that lap put you p4. Do the same lap like that in Q3 and you could get on the front row." Gareth says. "Thanks. I will definitely do my best." I say with a huge smile even though nobody can see it.

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