Chapter 1

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You felt a soft blanket covering you in an even softer bed and smiled. It was all a dream. You hadn't gotten lost in the woods, you hadn't even gotten out of bed yet. It was only a dream. You slowly opened your eyes to find that you were definitely not at home. The bed you were laying in was nothing like the bed you had. This one was huge. It had what you liked to call the "princess feel" with sheer curtains tied to each post. You sat up and looked around the surprisingly royal feeling that you were getting from the room. Until you looked beside the bed and saw one of the most attractive men you had ever seen in your life. He looked at you curiously and had a hint of something you had never seen before in his eyes. Concern.

"Are you alright?" He asked standing next to the bed. You nodded and felt a small blush begin to form. You shook it away and rubbed your eyes, avoiding looking into his beautifully dark eyes that made your insides start to cut flips, as you nodded.

"Where am I?" you asked as you stretched your arms out in front of you. You realized there was something small beside you in the bed.

"You're in the castle of King Caspian. In the great land of Narnia!" You looked at the voice in the bed to find a rather large mouse with a sword on his back. You screamed and jumped off the bed, ducking behind the chair that the man was sitting in.

"Y- y- y- you talk?" the mouse sighed and the man chuckled. Wow, his chuckles sent a shiver through your body, but your shock wouldn't allow you to address that right now.

"Yes, I talk. Yes, I'm a mouse." he looked at the man in front of you with a disappointed look on his face. "The reactions will never change will they, Caspian?"

"No, Reepicheep, I don't suppose they ever will." The man chuckled more as the mouse sat in defeat on the bed. You walked back over to the bed hesitantly at first, but then with a little more confidence once you saw how disappointed he actually was.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just... Wasn't expecting a talking mouse. We don't have anything like that where I live, and it took me by surprise is all." You sat next to the little mouse and held out a finger, just like you had done with Happy the first time he had walked up to you on your morning walk. "I'm ____." You said cheerfully, trying to make the little guy feel better.

He took your finger and gave a little bow. "Reepicheep. Bravest soldier, and mightiest warrior in the land, at your service, Miss." You gave a little giggle and then turned to the man in the chair once more. You looked at him more closely. He didn't look like he would have blended in where you lived. He was gorgeous. Like model-type gorgeous. You saw he had a little bit of scruff on his face and that he had obviously been running his fingers through his long black hair. You began to wonder how soft his shiny black hair was before you realized what Reepicheep had called him before, and where he said that you were.

"And you're... Caspian?" he nodded slightly and continued to watch you as your eyes felt like they were going to pop out of your head. "Like, KING Caspian? As in you own this castle? And you're a king?" He looked so young though...

He smiled and stood, bowing a little, in a very polite manner. "King Caspian of Narnia, at your service."

You shook your head, trying to make sense of what was happening as you walked over to the large balcony at the other side of the room. You opened your eyes to find the most beautiful valley. Not even pictures could have done it justice. The sun was still high in the sky, but that didn't stop you from admiring the way that the trees seemed to dance in the wind before you. You felt the breath escape your body as you sat there marveling at how beautiful the view really was.

"It is quite beautiful isn't it?" You heard Caspian begin to walk out to the balcony. You turned to face him, still a little confused and suddenly feeling shy again. You bit the edge of your lip nervously and looked down at the ground before finally speaking to him.

"H-How did I get here... Your majesty?" You suddenly felt rather awkward as the words escaped your lips.

"Please, Caspian. I insist." He smiled as he took the opportunity to walk over and stand beside you. "I found you, in the woods near the Lamp Post, I brought you back to my castle to make sure that you would be safe while you slept."

You turned around, lifting your head a little with your eyes closed breathing in the fresh air, Caspian stayed quiet as you began to center yourself and you opened your eyes to find him watching the trees where you were admiring before. "Yes, I remember now. I was on my morning walk with Happy, my squirrel friend. We were going to watch the sunrise as we do every morning. On my way back home, a strange wind carried my book away. Until I found the bench. I was lost, and scared. So I opened my book and began to read it... I must have fallen asleep..." You leaned against the balcony's railing and sighed. "But I've never even heard of Narnia before." You admitted before turning back to Caspian.

"____, Narnia is a world filled with magic and creatures that I'm sure you've only read about. If you're here, then like our Great Queens and Kings, there is a purpose for you being brought here."

"A purpose?"

You heard a booming, yet somehow gentle, voice behind you. "Indeed, Dear One, there is always a purpose for those who enter this world, but are not from here."

"Aslan!" Caspian immediately became reserved and respectful when he saw whoever was standing behind you. He bowed, and you turned around to find the most magnificently beautiful lion behind you. His eyes were the same height as yours, and they looked as if he was the gentlest creature you would ever face. You looked at his entire form, seeming to be almost glowing, the way you had imagined divine beings in your books. You felt a little intimidated before he blew softly into your face, making your hair blow back slightly and suddenly you felt nothing but calm inside.

"I know you are confused and afraid right now, ____, but rest assured that no harm will come to you here. Narnians are a peaceful people." He began as he looked pointed his nose below the balcony into the village, moving to stand beside you. You looked in the direction that he was pointing to and watched as a little girl, no older than 6, ran out of her house and into the arms of what appeared to be a centaur. The centaur smiled and handed the little girl a small, wooden figure of the girl with a bow and arrow in her hands, aiming in a perfect stance. You smiled at how sweet the girl looked hugging the centaur tightly.

You felt Aslan turn to you. "But Aslan?"

"____, all of your questions will be answered. In time. For now, I must go, I have some business to attend to, but Caspian will take care of you and keep you safe in the mean time. I have no doubt that you will find who you are soon."

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