He clears his throat. "Y/N?"


"We're here."

You look up at the building, sigh. "So we are."
He moved in front of you, moving to meet you at eye-level. "Is there anything I need to know before we go in?"

You take a deep breath. "The man in the lab coat is the perp. We need to take him down, first and foremost. He may act a fool, but he's accountable for the mutation of his partner. We either have to incapacitate, convict or, if necessary, kill him."

He swallows. "This guy is that bad?"

"Not yet." You start pulling the knife out properly as you push the door open with your clothed arm. "But it's best to pull a weed out from the root."

He follows you closely.

You look down at your phone to double-check that this is the offending room. "Here." You back up, gesturing to the door eccentrically, heart pounding in your chest. "This is the room."

He approaches you, brow furrowed. "Y/N," he asks cautiously, "don't take this the wrong way, but you look sick. Are you alright?"

You nod. "Nervous is all. Haven't done this sort of thing before."

He offers a reassuring smile. "Don't worry." He gives you a thumbs up. "I'll be with you every step of the way, alright?"

Your knuckles go white around the grip as you try to release some tension. 'Don't choke. That's his job.' "Yeah." You return it. "Oh, are you free tomorrow night? I still have to give you that lesson."

His face lights up. "Y-yeah! Totally!" He grins eagerly. "Should I go to your place? At what time?"
"We'll hash out the details on the way back." You look prominently to the lock. "Now, I take it you have some gadget or gizmo to help us open this bad boy?"

He kneels, pulling a device from the utility belt on his hip and sliding it into the card reader. "Of course."

The door lets out a harsh buzz, the light turning green. You pull your sleeve forward onto your hand, pushing the door open.

The room smells like metal and mold and decay, a certain lethality hanging in the air when you enter. You stay close to the wall, pulling down a lever to illuminate the harsh laboratory in an even harsher light. And there, caught frozen as he pockets a vial, is Victor Falco.

His eyes flicker towards the door.

You tackle him to the ground, shifting your weight back onto his legs, and pin his arms above his head. "Donnie," you call, stopping his struggling with a knife pressed against his neck, "would you be so kind as to find a few things for me? I can tell you where they are in the room, but I'm a bit preoccupied."

"Uh, sure." His voice sounds strange to you. Tight. Nervous? Confused? You ignore it for now.

"What is the meaning of this," the scientist bellows from underneath you. "I demand you give me an explanation!"

"Oh be quiet, traitor." You press the blade against his skin. "We both know the crime you've committed against your partner."

His eyes widen.

You keep your eyes locked on him at all times. "The first thing you're looking for is a container of mutagen. When you get to the desk, you should see 2 stacks of drawers."

You do not hear his footsteps. "Mhm."

"The bottom left drawer has a false bottom. If you pull it up, you'll find a canister of mutagen."

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