Chapter 1 : Where are we?

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"His eyes were sad and tired, I didn't know what else to do. So I just left, I panicked and left." I almost broke down right in front of her. "Girl why didn't you stay with him, it's obvious he needed your help." Joelle, my best friend tried to give me advice on how I should have went about comforting my boyfriend, Tyrell.
We'd been going through a rough patch, he had family problems and I had school problems.
We were both in our senior year at Bayside High and so far, we were struggling. Not only was our relationship failing, but my grades were dropping too. I needed good grades to get into my dream college. Our dream college. Tyrell and I were getting more distant by the minute, when I called, he was busy. When he called, I was busy. We just didn't have time for each other anymore. I was getting worried. My school work was flooding my brain and I just needed time to myself. Talking to Tyrell wouldn't help, he would only go on and on about how bad his family situation is. However, I needed a distraction and he was all I could think of. So I called him, and he answered.

"I want to run away, maybe that'll be better for all of them." Tyrell was telling me about how he had overheard his parents and grandparents having an argument about how they would pay for his college funds when it was time. His mother wasn't employed at the moment, and his fathers job wasn't bringing in much money.
As always all I could say was, "Don't worry, everything'll be fine." I looked him in the eyes and I kissed him. That was our first kiss in a long time. He didn't kiss me back.
"I know but it's hard." He sighed.
He was close to tears and stared out to the street. I was still stunned about the kiss. So I got up and left. I heard him calling my name but I didn't look back.

It wasn't long 'til he called me. I was doing some homework.
"Hello?" I said with a cold voice. I wanted him to know just how much he had hurt me. It didn't seem to work.
"Hey, what happened before?" He responded, oblivious.
"Nothing" I replied. He still wasn't getting the hint.
"Okay then...anyways I wanted to ask you if you were still coming to the movies with me and the crew?" How was he still not getting it? I rolled my eyes and yawned.

"No sorry ive got some homework to do, I'll come next time bye." I really did have homework, but I couldn't face him or the "crew" today. I was tired. The crew consisted of 3 of my closest friends and three of his closest friends. My friends were; Elle (Joelle), Carla and Lucia. His friends were; Junior, Asher and Jamar. We were all pretty tight, but I just wasn't up to it today.
"Woah woah woah, you always want to come to the movies. What's really up?" He said.
"I already told you, nothing." He was getting me annoyed.
"Lani what happened, you don't seem like yourself." Oh I'll tell him.
"You didn't kiss me back today."
He chuckled.
"What do you mean?" He laughed, I didn't.
"I mean, I kissed you today, at State Beach. And you did not, kiss me back." I was close to tears, I could feel them stinging my eyes.
"Alani, come on, is that really why you're upset? I just wasnt feeling right today. Look, if it's really a big deal, I'll kiss you loads tomorrow." He assured me.

"Tyrell, we're not the same anymore, what happened to us?" I asked. "We used to always be together, love each other, be there for each other." I felt a drop on my hand, then another, and before I knew it a waterfall of tears were streaming down my face. I could feel my mascara getting ruined.
"Lani, are you actually crying?" He questioned.
"There must be something else because I know you're not sitting there crying over a kiss." He sneered. "It's not just because of the kiss Ty, you don't love me anymore" I sniffled, the tears were still rolling. "I just know it, you've changed, I've changed but WE have changed too. Tyrell where are we? In this relationship. Who am I to you?" I was almost screaming at this point. My heart had been broken before but this was another pain. It came from deep within. I loved this man with all my heart yet he failed to realise just how much he meant to me.
"Lani I gotta go man, let's talk later. I 'ain really in the mood for all this."

And that was it. He was gone.

It looked like we were gone too.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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