Chapter 2

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I run through the rain as fast as I can following the sound of people up ahead.  I can't see anything due to the rain I could stop and try to get it to stop pouring down on me, but right now all that matters is getting to my brother.

When we finally make it to the tunnel there is some creature fighting with Scott, Kira, and someone else I don't recognize.  The creature is covered in some liquid that smells terrible and has glowing blue claws.

I hurry up and jump into action using my wind to blow the creature away from Scott then I begin to channel my lightning the storm makes my power grow stronger I take a step forward before sending my electricity into its chest.  the electricity only seems to make it angrier it whirls on me throwing me into one of the walls. 

I hear Scott call my name and then Stiles runs over to me as Scott talks to the creature "Who are you?"
"A devoted fan. Show me the man who took down Deucalion and broke the Argents-- I came for that Alpha." They start fighting again "Come on!"

Everyone starts fighting again I try to get up but I think I broke my leg when I hit the ground and I don't heal as fast as the rest of them.  Everyone is thrown to the ground again and then the thing grabs Scott's and sticks his glowing blue claws into my brother.  I see the energy start to leave him as everyone stands around helpless.  I can't strike him with my lightning without shocking Scott too.

It feels like forever before Scott's eyes grow red and he pulls the creatures hand out of him and breaks it's wrist.  "I don't know who you are, or what you thought you were going to do, but I'll give you a choice. You can stay, and I'll break something else... Or you can run."

"I'd run." Stiles says joining in, the creature then turns and runs away.

Scott comes and kneels by me, "I'm alright"

"It looks like you broke your leg," he responds

"It will heal, if you snap it back into place?" I say more like a question, I could use my wind but sometimes I over do it and since I don't have super strength that's kind of my only option. 

Scott snaps it back into place then helps me up to my feet I lean on him a little as my leg starts to heal.
Then we notice the unknown werewolf standing in the tunnel still "You don't remember me, do you?"He asks us "I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade."

"Theo?" Scott questions

"You know him?" Malia asks

"They used to. Trust me, I never thought I'd see you guys again. A couple of months ago, I heard of an Alpha in Beacon Hills. When I found out his name was Scott McCall, I just couldn't believe it. Not just an Alpha, but a True Alpha." Theo says

"What do you want?" Scott replies.

"I came back to Beacon Hills-- back home with my family-- because I want to be a part of your pack."


After our conversation with Theo we're all walking through the hallways ready to do senior scribe. My leg is all healed now I hate feeling weak and today I felt weak. I need to train more with my powers, but it's hard to teach yourself and since I'm the only Thunderbird that's all I can do.

My thoughts are interrupted by Stiles voice "We haven't seen this kid in years-- you don't find that highly suspicious?"

"You find everything highly suspicious," I cut in.

"I'm kind of more concerned about the guy who just tried to kill me."

"I'm in! I passed. I'm officially a senior." Malia says excitedly I give her a hug and say congratulations, before Lydia storms into the hallway.

"Thank God! Where have you guys been? The whole senior class is here! Are we doing this or not?" Lydia says upset we're late.

We all head into the library Kira is about to sign "This isn't vandalism, is it?"

"...Not technically." Lydia replies

Kira signs her initials, then everyone else Scott being last. After he signs his initials he puts another set off initials A.A.

"She would have been with us." Stiles says and pats him on the back.


"She still is." I say giving my brother a hug.


Please vote and comment I would really like to know if people are enjoying this story.  What's your thoughts on Serephina so far? I know right now her powers aren't that cool but she will get better over the course of the book.  Sorry it took so long to update I'm hoping to start updating once a week. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter💕

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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