Pages 103-105 Chapter 6

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        George knew exactly what his present was. The sweet scent wafted through the room, cake. The oven made the room slightly warmer than the corridor they were previously in. When Dream removed his hands George's face lit up. He had made him a half decent vanilla cake. It sat on the cluttered countertop upon a clay plate. THe changing texture on the floor he could clearly see now as a settling water and flour mixture. He could only wonder how Dream had managed to make such a mess, it was quite literally everywhere. Dream had a lot of cleaning to do.

That is what George had wanted to happen.

Instead he felt uneasy, he felt scared. He knew what the scent was. He knew what the texture on the floor was. He knew, but he didn't want to... When Dream removed his hands George's breath caught in his throat. He couldn't breathe.

"Don't you love it?" No words came out of his mouth. He couldn't comprehend what was in front of him. "Was it worth it George?" No, no it wasn't worth it. None of this was worth it. Nothing he had done was worth it. Sapnap's body sat in a table chair, his hands tied behind his back. His head was limp, resting unnaturally against his shoulder. His eyes gazed off to the distance, like he was looking behind them. His blood pooled around their feet, it covered the floors giving the room an overall tint of red, mingling with the yellow lighting. It was shocking and just completely and utterly disgusting.

George could only stare at the body, silent tears running down his porcelain cheeks. He felt so frail, so fragile, so breakable. He was a ceramic plate being dropped on concrete. Sure he could handle the scrapes and scratches, but when dropped on a hard surface; he shattered.

"Was it worth it George?" Dream asked again, an annoying tone lacing through his voice. He was purposefully trying to get under his skin, weaseling his way through his blood stream. He couldn't understand why, everything he had done for them. He could only wonder what Sapnap was truly doing. Was he just like Dream? That wasn't even his main problem, other than his supposed best friend killing his other and claiming them a present. He just didn't understand what was real and what was fake. What else had Dream lied to him about? What else had Dream done before all of this?

"It wasn't," he found his voice, to his disappointment it wavered; a clear tell to Dream. "None of this was worth it." He turned away from the gruesome body, towards Dream. "But I just have to know, what else?" Dream was confused, did he think this was some sort of gag gift?

"I don't know what you mean."

"What else did you lie to me about." It came out more as a statement than a question. He watched as a smirk strung itself across dreams lips. George could feel himself wavering. And then he got his answer.



"Wilbur, we know what we have to do. It's in the prophecy, and just think of what happened to Tommy and Tubbo, it happened to Kristin too! They take innocent people and murder them, we can't let that continue," Phil defended back.

"But Phil, maybe taking over the entire kingdom isn't the way to go about this." Phil took a breath before replying.

"I understand," he paused, "do you trust me, Wilbur?" he asked. Wilbur's brow furrowed.

"What kind of question is that?"

"Do you trust me. If you don't I hope I can gain that trust, and if this situation is something you truly cannot associate yourself with, then no one will force you to." Phil was giving him the option, the choice, the freedom to do as he pleased. Wilbur thought for a moment, did Phil really think he didn't trust him? He was merely stating that sometimes, you might want to just take a step back and let things work themselves out.

"You know Phil, after the past couple months we've spent together I thought you'd have a bit more faith in me." He laughed. "Yes, the answer is yes, of course I trust you. I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise I just- sometimes people want more than they can handle. I didn't want that to happen to all of us." Phil smiled, a soft smile. One that was custom to him. Reassurance flooded through the room.

"I know what you mean. But there is a difference in wanting power, and wanting to help. Sometimes they just wear the same disguises."

"So now that the plan is back on, I still have a free pass into the castle you know." Techno spoke up from the side of the room.

heyyyoooooooo so i fricking died my dudes.

not literally in any sense I just have had no motivation to write this week, hence not updating anything for like the past four days XD. I kinda feel like writing today so we'll see how that goes but just know my updates aren't going to be super consistent (just watch Ill say this now and suddenly tomorrow ill be back to updating every day just because my brain will suddenly want to do stuff again-) probably not but idk playing it by ear i suppose. This is definetly not by any means on hiatus or discontinued, I just wont have a schedule for updating things for a bit. But yeah I hope you guys stick around for when I finally get my brain glued on again, and I shall see you next time :) 

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