twenty-eight | oliver

Start from the beginning

"Oh, hi." Elise said softly, halting a bit so he could catch up to her. He fell into step beside her as they walked down the hill to class.

"Advanced Creatures, eh?" He said with a wide grin. "I didn't really take you for a creature admirer."

"Well, you don't really know me," she said quietly. It may have come off a bit rude, which she felt guilty about immediately.

But Oliver just chuckled. "I'd like to," he said smoothly.

Elise looked at him with wide eyes and blinked, not knowing how to respond to a boy openly flirting with her.

"Oh, relax," he said with a laugh as he saw her expression. "I know you're not over the Snape guy. I'm also not interested in being a rebound."

She relaxed a little, letting out a breath. "Sorry," she murmured. "It's just that Willow has been trying relentlessly to make me move on and it's been pissing me off."

Oliver nodded. "Well, I can't blame her. You're a pretty girl who does deserve better."

Another comment that caught her off guard. But now they had reached Professor Kettleburn and the rest of the class had begun to form around them, making her feel relieved.

"Gather 'round, class!" Kettleburn called to the students, causing them to bunch closer together around him. Oliver's shoulder brushed against Elise's, causing her to cringe - which he unfortunately noticed, but just chuckled quietly at.

"Today I have a special treat for my Advanced kiddies!" The Professor's one remaining hand slapped down on a very large box beside him. A deep growl and banging noises responded from the inside. The students looked at each other and the box curiously.

"Is today the day he'll lose his other arm and retire finally?" Oliver whispered to Elise, causing her to snort to hold back laughter.

"Please," she replied quietly. "That man will be a severed head on a plate and still insist on teaching." Oliver grinned.

"The Quintaped is a mysterious creature," Elise and Oliver heard as they tuned back into Kettleburn's monologue. "Only found on the Isle of Drear, one of the most dangerous of places ever known. Legend says that the Quintapeds were once a wizard clan by the name of MacBoon, cursed and transfigured into these creatures during a drunken duel by the rival clan of McClivert."

"That's barmy." Elise murmured, causing an amused smile on Oliver's lips.

"But in doing this, the McClivert clan put themselves into more danger and in turn, were wiped out by these new creatures." Kettleburn continued on. "However, that is merely legend and any attempts to untransfigure the Quintapeds into their normal human state have failed."

The Professor opened the front panel of the box, revealing metal bars which contained the now visible creature.

The Quintaped was a large, spider-like animal with five legs each ending in a clubfoot. Its strange body was covered in thick, reddish brown fur. Its face somewhat resembled a monkey's, Elise thought. But its gnashing teeth were much longer and sharper.

"Now, the Quintaped is much too dangerous to release from this cage. However, I'd like for you all to study its behavior and mannerisms today. Write down everything you notice about this mysterious creature and turn it in to me at the end of class!" Kettleburn announced.

Elise pulled out parchment and a quill from her bag before stepping closer to sit a few feet away from the beast. The rest of class did the same, but none sat quite as close. Well, besides Oliver who plopped himself directly next to her.

Writing down characteristics of the creature as it growled, hissed, and slammed violently around its cage, Elise and Oliver made many jokes about the situation.

"Only old Kettleburn would find something like this," Oliver said.

"He's so proud of it. I think I'll name it Mrs. Kettleburn."

Oliver snorted and Elise began to laugh at her own joke.

Maybe this guy isn't that bad, Elise thought.


Face claim for Oliver Smith is Sam Claflin! :)

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