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       Sayo raised the glass of milk up to her lips, the fluid traveling towards the direction of where the glass leaned down on, pouring the white liquid inside of her lips as she drank. She pulled the glass away from her lips and placed it on the sink, then walking to the bathroom. She grabbed her tooth brush and gargled water in her mouth as she leaned down to spit it out again.

       She started brushing her teeth when she lifts her head up, he eyes staring over the reflection of the mirror that projected an image of her current self that appeared much livelier compared to how she always used to be – a soul containing inside of her body, though spiritless that only stayed within her for the sake of just being there and not actually living.

       As she brushed her teeth, she pondered over something as random as why water seemed to taste slightly sour on her tongue right after she drank a satisfying glass of warm milk. It was strange; perhaps remnants of its compositions sat on her tongue longer than needed that it brought a slight disgusting taste on the tip of her buds.

       It hung onto its surface and unable to let go even with the clear liquid that sweeping over it.
She sighed and shook her head, spitting the bubbly paste inside her mouth before washing it down once again with water.

       Okay, back to preparing for school.


       School had gone by at a normal pace, though it was not as slow and unbearable as it used to be, now that she had Shinsuke by her side. It did not cause her to become sluggish throughout the day, and it did not bring her to want to just lay on her bed the whole time right after she goes home.

       She actually had something to look forward to when she goes to school.

       Sayo slung her bag over her shoulder and darted towards the door, sliding it open before head to the direction of the familiar volleyball gym. Though along the way, one of her classmates called her out before she could completely head outside.


       Sayo turned her head around and was met with one of her female classmates who was grinning at her. She raised her brow and uttered in mock-surprise though her tone still completely flat, "Oh, Rian-san."

       "It's Gian, Sayo-chan." She corrected Sayo immediately, placing her hand on one side of her hips before she continued, "Well anyway, it's your turn to clean the classroom again."

Sayo's expression turns blank once she hears her classmate's words then glanced at her group of friends that were waiting together whilst giggling amongst each other. She then glanced back at Gian who was waiting impatiently for her to agree as she failed to cover her emotion with a half-assed sweet smile.

This time, there was a surge of confidence that wiped away her ignorant nature for a second and she was ready to retort in irritation. How many times has her carelessness been taken advantage off? Multiple times, that is and it was going to end today.

So, Sayo shrugged and said, "Eh, I'm busy." She started to turn around once again but her classmate decided to place her hand over her shoulder to stop her from walking away. Sayo began to narrow her eyes when annoyance started to grow and she asked, "What do you want, Gian-san? I already got your name right. What more could you want?"

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐒  -  𝐒. 𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐀Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum