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       Sayo wondered about what the true meaning of life was. Everyone had their own definition to everything even if there is a dictionary of where we could find its denotative meaning. But we, humans, form these connotative meanings about different objects to be able to connect or project our emotions even through the simplest things such as these.

If we searched for the meaning of the word 'smart', the definition that would come out is somewhere along the lines of presenting intelligence through actions. And if we searched for the meaning of 'love', the definition that would come out is about showing deep affection for someone or maybe something.

If Sayo were to be asked what the meaning of 'love' was before, she would have answered with a loud scoff and say that it was just some delusional thinking. Wherein this 'love' shrouds your mind and is that force that pushes us to endure no matter how shit life is, or no matter how many mistakes that person has done.

Apparently, that was love.

Humans are constantly in a rush about everything, where idealism takes over our minds just because we have witnessed a side that appears to be so beautiful that we forget that it could also just be beguiling – maybe trying to hide its true self – showing deceptive actions that fools other people into thinking that it was real, when it was really not. Who knows?

But then, we just love to push our ideas onto different people because we only care about shit if we're relevant to the situation.

Hell, humans love to make everything about themselves.

Sayo sighed, shaking her head lightly as she laid her body once again over the picnic blanket. She had her hands placed over her abdomen since she was quite full after eating loads of chicken and onigiri that Shinsuke made. And as she drifted her eyes towards Shinsuke who was still busy finishing up his food, she wondered;

Is this love?

Is this love when she had only known him for about a few months? And how many months does it even take to fall for someone? Or maybe this was just an infatuation?

But then again, they were soulmates so it turns things a whole lot harder to realize her true feelings. How could she be possibly sure that she loves him, when it could just be the world's natural pull that is bringing them together?

Sounds absurd, but that was what she was always wondering.

"Ne, Shinsuke... tell me stories about yourself." Sayo mumbled.

Shinsuke looked up for a second as he started fixing up the used containers then placing it inside the basket, before he said, "Which ones?"

Sayo thought over for a moment before answering, "From when you were younger." She pursed her lips and looked up at the sky that was starting to dim, stars started to appear one by one in infinite patterns that were never the same. She then mumbled under her breath, "I wonder what he looked like as a kid..."

"My cheeks used to be quite fat, but that disappeared when I started playing volleyball." Shinsuke answered honestly upon hearing her silent question. Her mouth parted at the mental image that inserted in her mind before cooing internally – he must have been that cute silent kid that all those little girls had a crush on because he was smart and 'cool'.

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