Chapter 29: The Request

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Carmelita: "What is this 'request' you ask of, Ashla?"

The Siamese Cat Captain approaches Carmelita and begins whispering in her ear.

Ashla: "I believe she may not be telling the truth... I'd like for you and my newest recruit: Hailey, to escort this Wolf to wherever she goes. I don't think she has fully lost her killer side and is faking it."

Carmelita: "Consider it done. Where is this Hailey?"

Ashla: "I'll take care of that, don't you worry Inspector."

Meanwhile, with Ashla and Hailey...

Ashla: "Hailey, I have an important assignment for you, and ONLY you are qualified for this assignment."

Hailey: "What is it Captain?"

Ashla: "Remember that criminal you and my husband caught earlier? Well, I want you to escort the criminal to wherever she goes, and don't let her cause any trouble."

Hailey: "Uh question: Who is your husband?"

Ashla: "His name is Royce, the only human in this City..."

Hailey: "Oh him... do I get any partners of my own, Captain?"

Ashla: "Yes Hailey, but you're Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox's partner while you work with her, understood?"

Hailey: "Yes Captain. I uh, I have a question: why am I the 'ONLY' qualified recruit here? Can't Vhel or Joy do it? They're more experienced than I am."

Ashla: "So? Did THEY capture a highly dangerous criminal?! NO, you did! And for helping your employer's family out, you deserve a promotion. Now please, go and meet your partner at this address..." The Siamese Cat Captain said to the newly promoted recruit as Hailey obediently followed the Captain's order's, "ha! That was easy."

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