Chapter 27: The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

Harry, on the other hand, couldn't keep it to himself anymore and started to laugh.

"You two married or what?" he said after some time, but neither deemed it worthy of an answer.

"I think we got vastly of the topic," Snape interjected. "So these events will occur more regularly now?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Most of those seals are localised events, but a few can affect Hogwarts. It isn't helping that Hogwarts is a magical nexus built on two crossing Ley-lines, which for teaching purposes is ideal, but also draws in unwanted...problems."

"Should we close Hogwarts for the time being?" McGonagall asked worriedly.

"No, no, that won't be necessary. As I said, most of the seals won't affect Hogwarts and those that do, I hope we'll be warned beforehand," Loki shook his head.

"Then why didn't you warn us about the ghosts?" Snape questioned, one of his eyebrows raised.

Loki sighed deeply. "I have to apologise for that, but I didn't think it would reach Hogwarts. The next time should there even be the faintest possibility that it might reach here, I promise you, I'll inform you."

"See that you'll do, that could have seriously harmed the students," McGonagall replied. Still, she could see that it weighed heavily upon the pagan's consciousness. "Very well, it is getting late, and I think you should get back to the common room."

The three children nodded and were just about to stand up to leave when Snape spoke up. "Mr Potter, would you please stay for a moment, I have something I'd like to discuss with you," he said.

Harry once again nodded and stayed behind while the others all stood up and went to leave.

"We'll wait outside for you," Sam called out before he left.

Once everyone had left, Snape leaned forward in his chair, placing his elbows on his knees, obviously thinking on how to broach the topic while Harry fidgeted nervously.

"Harry," he began taking a deep breath. "I won't ask you to tell me what happened between your relatives and you, but I want you to know that I know how it is to have a...less than ideal home life. Should you ever want to talk about it or simply need somewhere to stay over the door will be open to you. I promised your mother that I would take care of you and protect you. I won't fail her again."

Harry sat there, stunned speechless. Sure, Snape and he got along quite well once they overcame their initial differences, but that he would offer him to stay with him over the summer hols? That he certainly hadn't anticipated. Then there was also the comment that he knew how it was with a less than ideal home life, making Harry curious. Still, he knew better than to ask the man, it was up to Snape to share such things and not be pestered about it.

In the end, Harry gave him a tentative smile. "Thank you, Professor, it means a lot to me...," he began but was interrupted.

"Please call me Severus, but only in private," he said with a stern glare which was softened by his smile.

"Thank you, Severus," Harry repeated. "But don't worry, I'll probably stay with Loki most of this summer, or Sam...I think Neville said something about meeting up during the summer too. Oh and there's also Sirius. You see there? You really have nothing to worry about in that regard."

"You staying with a hunter or that incompetent mutt is nothing to worry about?" Severus raised an eyebrow questioningly, though you could tell that his jab towards Sirius was without any bite in it.

"Do you really think that Loki would have left me with Sam and his brother over the winter holidays if I wouldn't have been safe?" Harry questioned. What he would never tell the man, however, was about his little encounter with Ruby. He somehow doubted that Snape...Severus would let him out of his sight ever again should he learn about it.

Severus pierced him with a long look but conceded that the boy had a point in the end.

"Very well. Nevertheless, I will get you an emergency portkey that will bring you to my home should something be wrong," he told the boy in a tone that brooked no argument. So Harry could only nod. "Good, I think your friends are waiting, go on."

"Good night, Severus," Harry said with a smile and a small wave of his hand before he stood up and left the room, meeting Loki and Sam outside. Together they went back to the common room where they then got ready for the night.

Over in America, Bobby gratefully fell into the armchair that was standing in his study

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Over in America, Bobby gratefully fell into the armchair that was standing in his study. It had been one hell of a day for him even if he had been prepared. He had done the counter-ritual down in his safe room so that he wouldn't be interrupted by some ghost, but it had been tiring nonetheless. His deceased wife and every other victim he hadn't been able to save crying bloody murder just outside the room, also hadn't helped matters. Even knowing that she wasn't herself and that what she said was thanks to the ritual hadn't really helped. It just hurts to hear his wife blaming him for her death, which was true after all. He had killed her because at that time he hadn't known how to deal with a demon possession correctly.

However, for today, Bobby was done. He was glad that he could spend the evening with a cold beer and perhaps watching a nice show on the TV.

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