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It had been 2 months since lucius' death, and dobby still hasnt gotten over it.

He was walking around walmart to find groceries, to feed narcissa and dracula. He came across the vegetable isle...

'ugh! Peas. I hate peas. Peas are gross. Lucius hates-hated peas'

Dobby started to tear up.

Its fine i have to move on. Come on dobby dont cry. He thought.

He grabbed some lettuce, iceburgs and carrots for the soup hes making tonight.

He was about to turn his trolley until he felt eyes upon him.he turned around and saw


Dobby shook his head and thought that maybe its just hallucination.


He got out of the car and was about to enter the manor until he felt like someone was following him.
He turned around and saw nothing but just cissys rose garden.

Then he heard the bushes move.

Dobby started to get scared.
He ran back inside in horror and into the kitchen.

'Dobby! Whats wrong?' asked cissy, who noticed dobbys horror expression.


Narcissa gave dobby, narrowed eyes and continued writing her letter.

Dobby went up to the stove to start putting the water on boil until he saw a pair of eyes looking at him through the windows.

They were dark brown eyes.....

Just like lucius' eyes.

But he was dead.

Wasnt he?

Lucius x DobbyWhere stories live. Discover now