First drinks are important.

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It was Togas 20th birthday. The first day, she being a citizen of japan, could have her first taste of adulthood with her first sip of alcohol. What just because they're villains doesn't mean they want to give alcohol to some underage teen with a lust for blood.
She was out most of the day with Dabi, enjoying the day. Anywhere she wanted to go they went, no matter how embarrassing it was. Throughout the day they did everything on her wishlist, mcdonalds, nails, she even got to have her hair curled into soft short waves with the rest still put up in her signature buns. Dabi watched as she ran around trying to decide what to do next.

''Anything for you on your day.'' he said under his breath fullwell knowing what was to come after it all.

Back at the shack Shigaraki decorated as best he could for her special day. There were a few red balloons on each of the 4 chairs that sat around the meeting table that was once dark stained wood now with a tablecloth, paper plates and fake blood to add to the scene. He topped it all off with a single tier cake he baked himself and decorated to say ''Happy B-Day Toga!'' in dark red frosting clashed against the plain white smooth cake. At each place set was a small champagne glass. He took out the new alcohol he'd managed to smuggle through the store clerk with no effort and with a skilled hand poured a shot worth into each glass, putting the bottle down he picked up a small jar of off-white pellets  from a side table with a delicate but still shaky hand sprinkled just one, kill an adult human within 20 min or less, into the head of the table's glass. He brought it up to wiff to make sure there was no difference between it and the regular drinks but there was a very distinct smell or sour almost citrus looming from the drink. He let out an audible grone and got up to rummage in the cabinet. Upon opening it there was an array of spices and other toxins. He rummaged for a moment and soon found the cinnamon. With a careful hand he sprinkled about an eighth of a teaspoon into the deathly drink stirring it to saturation. It looked exactly like the other drinks at the table. Perfect. He sent a picture of the decorated room to dabi.
''Weak Link still occupied?'' he sent with hesitation, desperately hoping she wasn't  looking. Dabi typed a fast reply:

''Yeah she's gettin cotton candy, you've got about 40 min left before sundown.''

''Yeah yeah i've set up the decor and the drinks. First and last important you know.'' Dabi smiled at that last message as toga came back with pink and blue swirls in her hail and cheeks
"What's next Stabby?'' he asked looking up playfully. Even if she was like family to him, the only real thing he could want, she was weak compared to the other members of the league and was prone to fatal mistakes on missions.

"You think we can get a bounce house? That would be super coolio!'' she was 20 today but still the same mind as her younger self. Just like back when she was 17 and had first met the others.

"Sure thing but only if i don't have to partake in this one." Dabi was 23 now and shig was 24. They just couldn't handle her child-like nature anymore.

"fineee ! but your loss, Burnt Nugget!" she said as she ran off to go find it.
"how soon can we get back." he typed to shig getting tired of all the activities of the day.

'' just a little longer. It'll be much easier to do if its dark.''

After what felt like hours but was truly only 30 minutes it was time to go back for cake and her birthday surprises. Toga ran up to the small door and knocked twice, paused, then 3 more times. Each league member had their own code to get into the base, togas was that. Sigaraki opened the door with one of his rare smiles, however behind the solemn smile was a dull mind that was waiting to get it all over it.
"Happy  Birthday Stabby!" he called as she ran straight to the head of the table taking in the fully decorated room. Getting more and more excited at every sight finally landing on the cake. To bher it was magnificent and fit her just right. The lights dimmed and dabi put a 2 and a 0 on the cake and lit them up with his quirk and 2 blue flames danced utop her cake.
They sang happy birthay and cut cake. The entire time toga was stareing at the glass on her place.
"You know you can drink it right? You are 20 now." Dabi said knowingly.

"Really?!" she said exitedly. Her first ever drink was meant to be perfect.

"Happy 20th toga!" shiggy said puting his glass in the air for a toast. They clincked their glasses and she brought it to her lips sniffing wanting to know evry little bit about it.

"Smells like citris and . . . cinimon." she looked up with shock. A billion things ran through her head. Cininmon. A poisin cover. In a fruity drink.

"Cinimon?" Dabi tried to cover it up with a question so he wouldent be put up for it.

"Cinimon.'' she said with a glair that cut through his eyes.

"They tried to poisin me." she though as she staerd through them.

Chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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