Chapter 1: A Secret Worth Killing For

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Hermione Granger was in utter disbelief by how stupid men could be. Correction. How ignorant old ministry officials could be when it came to hassling and being obnoxious to women.

It was one of the ministry's new charity balls. Where the elite and wealthy bid on complete nonsense all in the name of a good cause. This one is in the name of St. Mungo's to help supply the long term patients that suffered during the war. Even though the war finished five years ago, it still left damage in its wake. After the war had ended, Hermione returned to Hogwarts to complete her NEWTs. Graduating with some of the highest scores Hogwarts had ever seen, she was offered many job offers. She declined all of them and decided to pursue her love of academics, specifically arithmancy. She ended up developing a matrix that helped in the development of new charms. Famously, she developed a charm that could reverse the lasting effects of the cruciatus curse on the cortex in the brain. Unfortunately it couldn't bring back one's memories but it did allow for the retention of new ones. She made quick work on using it on the Longbottoms with much success. Ever since then she has worked some free lance in the ministry's developmental department but for the most part has been working independently. Nonetheless her contributions to St. Mungo had made it essential for her appearance at this charity. Even if she could she wouldn't be able to avoid this function, what with her celebrity status as one of the golden trio. The other two-thirds were also present, currently off amongst the masses themselves. It was such a shame too, the floo networks were less than 100 feet from her current position. The function was being held at the atrium. The fountain was charmed to change to various hues. The room was alight from the reflective windows that surrounded the entrance to the ministry.

Hermione's hair remained down in curls that cascaded across her shoulders and down her back. She wore a spaghetti strap, v-neck red dress that slowly faded to black as the fabric reached the ground. Her bodice was fitted perfectly to her waist as the bottom lightly cascaded down to the floor around her. Her dress had a slit up her thigh that showed some skin but was not scandalous in design. She looked beautiful in her formal attire. In a simple elegance that men were drawn to. And of course with her being dateless unlike her friends, it drew out all of the elderly men who she was currently stuck talking to. At first they were discussing other modifications to what she refers as to her Regenerate spell. Now she is not even following the conversation. She has tried to find an excuse to leave several times however, these three men just were not seeming to get the hint.

She just stood there with an impassive face as she brought her champagne glass to her lips and wished that the drink would be stronger if she were to make it through the night. Just as she began to contemplate a public display of knocking these men unconscious, a shadow descended over them as a presence stepped up behind her.

The men that were talking to her stopped their speech in apprehension of the newcomer.

"I do not believe that Mrs. Granger wishes to be bored on the proper application of the Djingo project gentleman," came the deep voice of one Severus Snape. At his sudden exclamation Hermione turned to look at him. He was dressed in his signature black and looked as intimidating as ever. His height looming over her. A familiar scowl present on the edges of his mouth. Nonetheless, he looked sharp despite his rough edges.

"And her politeness prevents her from reminding you that dancing is an expectation at this function that you all seem to have neglect. Nonetheless, I am willing to remedy this situation. If you may, Miss. Granger." Snape continued without interruption and ended with his hand outstretched to her.

Hermione quickly realized what he was asking and took his hand. Taking the opportunity to escape her unwelcomed company. He then proceeded to guide her to the center of the room where various individuals were dancing with their partners. With her hand remaining in his hand he pulled her close, her covered breasts slightly touching his chest. They were so close they could feel the rise and fall of each other's chests against their own as they both breathed. He placed his other hand on her waist as she put her hand on his shoulder. Holding her firm against him in a way that was neither uncomfortable or unwanted. Despite his height he had no difficulty maintaining eye contact with her as they began to waltz.

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