POA: Chapter Three

Start from the beginning

Neville took a step forward, looking very scared.

"Right Neville," said Remus. "First things first, what would you say is the thing that scares you the most?"

Cordelia saw Neville mumble something.

"I didn't catch that Neville, sorry," said Remus with a small smile.

"Professor Snape," Neville whispered. Cordelia's blood boiled. The fact that a 13-year-old boy's worst fear was one of his teachers was outrageous.

Remus looked thoughtful. "Professor Snape... hmmm... Neville, I believe that you live with your grandmother?"

Neville nodded. "Yes, but I don't want the Boggart to turn into her either."

"No, no, you misunderstand me." Remus was fully smiling now. "I wonder, could you tell us what sort of clothes your grandmother usually wears?"

Neville nodded again. "Well... always the same hat. And a long green dress and sometimes a fox-fur scarf.

"Right then," said Remus. "When the Boggart bursts out of this wardrobe, Neville, and sees you, it will assume the form of Professor Snape. And you will raise yo jeans and cry 'Riddikulus' and concentrate hard on your grandmother's clothes. And if all goes well, Professor Snape will be forced into a big hat and that green dress."

There was a bunch of laughter.

"Alright now, everyone stands in a single file line. I'll call each person forward. Now Neville here we go."

A jet of sparks shot from the end of Remus' wand and the wardrobe burst open. Snape walked out, eyes flashing at Neville.

Neville backed away. "R — r — riddikulus!" He squeaked.

Snape stumbled, he was now wearing a long, lace-trimmed dress and a towering hat topped with a moth-eaten vulture.

There was a roar of laughter and Remus shouted. "Parvati! Forward!"

There was another crack and where Snape had stood was now a bloodstained, bandaged mummy.

"Riddikulus!" Cried Parvati.

Seamus went next, followed by Dean, and after him Ron. Then Remus called Cordelia forward. Cordelia stepped forward nervously, she had no idea what her biggest fear was and was not looking forward to finding out. When they Boggart saw Cordelia it spun for a moment and looked as though it was about to turn into a dementor but changed halfway through until an exact replica of Remus was standing in front of her. Cordelia was confused, she wasn't scared of her Pa. Suddenly the fake Remus began to speak, and that was when she realized why this was her biggest fear because the words that came out of the Boggart mouth were horrifying.

"You are a mistake! A disgusting horrible mistake. Everything that goes wrong in my life is your fault. I wish you had never been born!"

The real Remus jumped in front of his daughter, confusing the Boggart, and finished it off before turning back to Cordelia.


He began but Cordelia was already running out of the classroom. When Cordelia got out into the corridor she slumped against the wall a slid to the ground. She put her head on her knees and started sobbing, horrible, awful, broken sobs. She didn't realize that anyone else was in the corridor until they kneeled down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey Cori, are you okay?" It was George. Cordelia just shook her head. "What happened?" Asked George.

"B—Boggart." Cordelia managed to whisper through he sobs.

"Oh, do you want to talk about it?" Cordelia shook her head again and George put an arm around her shoulder and she leaned against him as her crying continued. After a few minutes her sobs quieted down and George stood up.

"Come on, let's go to your dad's classroom, come on." He reached a hand down, Cordelia took it and he helped her to her feet. When Cordelia and George walked into Remus's classroom, Remus was already there. When he saw Cordelia he jumped up and ran over to them.

"Thank you for finding her George." He said.

"No problem, Professor. I have to get to class but I'll see you later Cori." He walked out of the classroom, waving as he went. Remus turned back to Cordelia.

"Oh, Cori." He sighed, hugging her. "I'm so, so sorry."

"You don't need to apologize, Pa. You didn't know what my Boggart was going to be. I didn't even know what my Boggart was going to be." Cordelia shrugged.

"I know but," he paused trying to find the right words. "I love you so much, and I would never believe that you were a mistake, never. Because you aren't you're the best thing that ever happened to me."

Cordelia smiled a little. "I know Pa, I love you too. You're the best dad anyone could ever want."

A/N: I needed to add a bit of Cordelia and George in there. So hope you enjoyed it.

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