Dre never liked any of the girls I ever dated or slept with or even talked to come to think of it, and he was going to be simply livid at the fact that the new hire was straddling my lap while my tongue was shoved into her mouth for all to see.

He was going to probably kill me and try to fire Lena and on her birthday no less. I murmured a slur of curses under my breath as I prepared to stand up for the woman of my dreams as I followed Dre into the dining room.

His eyes glazed over the remnants of our dinner as I opened my mouth to defend whatever it was that I had going on with Lena.

"Look Dre, before you say anything, I just want to tell you that Lena is unlike any other girl I have ever met. Nothing you say or do will make me stay away from her-"

Dre shot me a strange look as he slanted his eyes and shook his head just before he cut me off.

"What? Austin what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about me and Lena. That's what you wanted to discuss isn't it? Well I like her Dre and I don't care that she works for me. I'm going to-"

"Woah buddy hold on, that's not what this is about. Lena is a lovely girl, and actually I think she's good for you." Dre chimed in, stopping my rant in its tracks as I stared at him with nothing but disbelief.

Dre was my main manager and one of my closest friends. I looked up to him as a mentor and he always held my best interest at heart.

But not once has he ever approved of any woman that had managed to find their way into my life.

He always found something wrong with them and insisted they weren't good for me and to be quite honest, most of time, he was usually right.

So to hear that he was willingly accepting the fact that I wanted to be with Lena without me having to twist his arm behind his back felt nearly like a goddamn miracle.

"Oh." I chuckled, feeling almost stupid for my outburst. "Then what did you want to talk about?"

Dre's expression remained serious and the smile on my face immediately dropped.

"I've been working nonstop all night to get these stupid fucking articles unpublished from every tabloid website on the entire fucking internet."

"Thanks Dre, I appreciate it. Just cause I enjoy my fair share of Bud Lights, suddenly I'm deemed a drunk driver just because I crash my fucking car. This is ridiculous." I shook my head with disgust as Dre gave me a pained look.

"A friend of mine knows the guy that posted the original article." Dre chewed the inside of his cheek before he swallowed the visible lump in his throat.

"Okay, well did he explain why he published a bunch of bullshit lies to make me look bad?" I rolled my eyes upwards as Dre remained uneasy.

"Austin, he said he got his information from someone on the team."

I stood still in disbelief as I tried to process his words and allow the betrayal to sink it's claws into my back. I was red with fury as the anger seeped into my veins and I was left at a loss of words.

"We don't know who is is yet but I assure you-"

"I know who it is. And I'm going to fire them."

I mumbled quietly under my breath, running my fingers through my curls before I turned away from Dre and slowly stalked my way back to the group in my living room.

I was ready to explode with rage, my blood boiling as I walked seemingly in slow motion though my mind was racing a mile a minute. My emotions were on overdrive and I was just on the edge of losing my usual well controlled temper.

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now