Chapter 7- The festivity's cancellation

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Thefestivity's cancellation

La nuligo de la festo

For the first time, historically, Talvik, in this year of 1863, had its festivity cancelled, due to the bishop seriousness and impertinence. The whispers reproving Hakon's attitude, inside the church, increased and he knew he had to step up.

– Silence! You are in the house of God and not in a fair! Didn't you, by any chance, Erle showing up and the evil she can represent to us?

– Erle? Did he say, Erle?

– Yeah, Gudmund. The witch appeared around here! – Erling answered to Gudmund who was surprised.

All those present were right this time, bishop Hakon had gotten what he always wanted to do, since when he arrived there: End with the Festivity of Saint Lucy.

Harald, when discovered about Erle's appearance, got to organize his thoughts. Now, he was sure about where he would find answers. He wanted to go soon after Borghild's notes, the ones that were kept hidden from Hakon.

- Harald, I want you to give official notice to everyone in Talvik about the cancellation of this festivity for all the population. Pass through the roads and say that because of my determination, it was cancelled.

– I need to get a heavier coat for the coldness, my Bishop.

– Then go and don't be long, Harald. And I don't want to know about disappointed children.

Hakon looked around the church, with his air of superiority. He realized that everyone was resigned with his order and that wouldn't hve anybody there that would dare to face him. Even the Agot's dogs stopped barking.

– "Does somenone have some other observation to do?" – Everyone remained silent inside the church!

– Let's go Harald, hurry up these steps soon, and don't be too long.

Hakon was confident with his decision, although his feeling of satisfaction was mixed with a contained rage. Satisfaction for, finally, getting to end with that "damn" festivity, as he himself preached, and anger for the fact of Gudmund have seen a Kobold. What coud be really embarrassing if the Young man revealed the existence of this being.

The Bishop had learned that he should handle one thing at a time. This moment was favourable to end with the festivity, then, try to understand why the guy didn't have revealed, immediatelly, that had seen a Kobold, even when he and Harald were questioned. Maybe at request of Harald, Gudmund seemed discreet to the theme.

For the old Harald, that malaise made by Hakon inside the church was really opportune. The old man needed more time at his house, to search for information about the witches, in Borghild's notes. Harald didn't remember the name of such ceremony.

The former Bishop always had the habit of recording everything, because, for him, the informations and knowledge should be passed on from a Bishop to another.

Harald, since the first day, didn't have a good feeling about Hakon. Something told him to don't trust in the new bishop. He ended up hiding these notes of Borghild and didn't pass it on to Hakon. Faithful to Borghild's principels, Harald didn't bear how arrogantly this Bishop behaved. He also didn't like the Bishop being close to the Swedish Kings.

At his house, the old Harald went straight to the briefcase where he kept the notes of Borghild, but, for his surprise, when entering the room, he surprised the dwarf Arvídio with the notes of Borghild in his hands.

– Arvídio? What are you doing here? – The dwarf got scared with the pressence of his friend Harald and let the notes fall on the ground, going out of there quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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