Chapter 6 - Back to the past

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Reen AL La estinteco

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Reen AL La estinteco

(Back to the past)

In the interior of Yggdrasil, Odin, Who had passed through the eight worlds seeking the whereabout of his sons Loki and Freya, was obligated to move until Asgard.

For a long time he didn't receive news about them. It was something unusual, considering Freya's profile. The god, Freya, was too responsible and didn't cause many problems, but, Loki, the opposite, never obeyed his commands. Excessively worried, Odin had already passed through the seven worlds and now, he initiated the seeking in the Center of the big tree. He imagined that if they were there, they would be in trouble because of Hrasvelg and Nidhogg, Odin knew that in the homeland he could count with the help of a great friend, Ratatosker.

In the central land, Odin realized some alterations that alerted him. An exaggerated amount of mistletoe sprouts in the interior of the branches. Something told him that a battle occurred there. It could only be work of Loki.

Odin wasn't seeking alone. He was accompanied by Vali, Tyr and Hod. Ratatosker, a big squirrel, liked a lot the presence of the gods' father, because he was always well recompensed in his tasks. Odin knew that the squirrel was an authentic gossiper and that he liked to encourage the intrigues between Nidhogg and Hrasvelg. Ratatosker adored seeing the serpent and the eagle fighting.

It didn't take long until the four ones were noted by the eagle and the serpent. Both liked to keep distance from Odin. Odin, by the other hand, wasn't careless about them, because he knew that in any moment he could be attacked. With the presence of the two residents of there, it was only missing to know on the whereabout of his sons. It didn't take long and there was Ratatosker, pulling him by his arm.

With the presence of the squirrel, Vali, Tyr and Hod soon prepared to attack, but were contained by Odin. Vali grabbed the neck of the animal, pressing it so much that the eyes of the poor one seemed to jump from its face.

- Release it, Vali, it's my friend! – Vali let the poor squirrel go, which coughed, roughly. The poor squirrel thought it would die.

- What a horrible meeting, Odin. – The squirrel complained.

- Vali didn't know you were our friend. – The god of the gods put his hand in the pocket and took some nuts out, for the friend.

- Long time no see, Ratatosker. I salute you. What a good thing to see you again so well.

- Well? Seriously?

In the corner, Tyr looked to Vali and smiled remembering of seeing the squirrel googly-eyed. Hod kept himself serious, but always attentive with the hands in the lança and in the bow.

- Please forgive me, in the name of my sons! – Giving it more nuts.

- Thank you, god Odin. But who are these ones that I never saw around here? Furthermore, this place isn't the same lately, who are they?

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