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This is a 'choose your path' type of story. You will be given choices. Certain choices will take you to certain chapters. There will be nine possible outcomes in the end. They are listed below.

1) Finn Wolfhard x Y/N get together +fame (1% chance)

2) Jack Dylan Grazer x Y/N get together + fame (1% chance)

3) Jaeden Martell x Y/N get together + fame (1% chance)

4) Wyatt Oleff x Y/N get together + fame (1% chance)

5) Sophia Lillis x Y/N get together + fame (1% chance)

6) Jeremy Ray Taylor x Y/N get together + fame (1% chance)

7) Chosen Jacobs x Y/N get together + fame (1% chance)

8) Y/N only gets famous (10% chance)

9) Y/N gets kicked out of It Chapter 3 (83% chance)


In case you didn't know: (Y/N) means Your Name. (L/N) means Last name.

Ily all so much! Stay safe, and enjoy the book! 😘

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