Toga and Twice- The Prank Duo

Start from the beginning

With this extra time on her hands, Toga being the queen she is decided that if she was going to pull a prank on her boss, it better be a really good one.

And then it came to her
The ultimate prank
The perfect plan

Chapstick pie

Toga hummed to herself 'it's a bit of an unoriginal and classic prank, however the beauty of it is the twist. Instead of it being filled with cream, like a normal pie would be, it is filled with Chapstick, because that's exactly what Shiggy needs'.

So going back to the same old market (wearing a different disguise) she went to a stall (not the same one as last time obviously) and bought a pie crust (She was too excited to even think about the cheap alternative (stealing)).

However the big problem that she had in her hands right now is that Twice wasn't helping her anymore and she didn't know where to get a lot of chapstick at once.

Feeling terribly distraught she wished that Big Sister Magne was there as she would have agreed to help her in a second.

Toga decided to sit at the edge of the sidewalk/pavement/whatever you call it ,and  began to mope.

The lovely golden sun began to set in the small town which she was in and all the stalls began to get closed for the day. Being the dramatic girl that she is she obviously decided that she would stay there.

And then, in a moment of luck *cough cough, or plot convenience* a young woman with black locks and forest green eyes who looked about 20 ran over to Toga.

"Hi, young ma'am" the woman said panicked "I am Gilda Dorothy and I run that beauty care stall over there, but when I was packing up I lost sight of my son, Timothy and I need to go look for him. Can you take care of my stall while I do?. You looked awfully familiar so I feel like I can trust you".

A smile crept on the feline features of Toga's face "Of course Miss" she replied with a soothing voice "I have a question that's really random but I might come back here another day so here it is, do you happen to sell chapstick by any chance?"

"It's one of our top sellers actually so we have tons of it" the woman said before saying a quick thanks and running off to find her child.

Toga was now very happy as she slid over to the stand, took the whole chapstick selection (which was actually a lot like the woman said) and ran off into the now almost fully set sun.

By the time Toga had returned back to the hideout it was fairly late so she decided she would take a quick nap before setting an alarm at 2 in the morning, when most of the League were asleep and make the pie then.


'Ring ring ring'

Toga jumped up from her bed with a start and got cracking on the pie.

She was currently emptying all the chapsticks into a big bowl while the crust was in the oven.

Ten minutes into her shenanigans though, she had an unwelcome guest.


"What are you doing here Shiggy?" She asked, trying to hide the anxiety she was having.

He relied with a tired voice "Just getting a drink of water, a better question is why are you up at this time making stuff, and what it is that you are making. Also I told you to STOP calling me Shiggy"

Toga gulped "Sorry ~Shiggy~ I'm making a pie".

"What's that in the bowl then?"


"You put...frosting? In your pie?" Shigaraki questioned.

Toga nodded nervously.

Shigaraki muttered under his breath something containing the words 'weirdo' and 'idiot' whilst getting his drink before going back upstairs.

Toga hurried up finishing the pie before going to bed  and had sweet dreams that night of an angry Shigaraki.

The next morning when she woke up she got her camera and her pie before making her way downstairs. She also laid her photo album out on her small feeding table in her cramped room so that she could add the photo when she came back.

Shigaraki came bursting through the door when the whole main gang of the LOV was there only to be greeted with a pie straight to his face.

Dabi burst out laughing with Spinner, Mr Compress was compressing a smile and Twice was standing there in amazement about what his friend had just done, but eventually gave out a belly laugh all while Shigaraki stood there in shock, covered in pie and chapsticky goo.

Himiko Toga took this as her chance to snap a selfie of her laughing with Shigaraki in the background.

He started screaming and Toga decided to book it so that he wouldn't disintegrate her right there on the spot.

Let's just say that Toga couldn't return to the League for a good week.

{1420 words not including intro or my note at the end}.

Thank you so much for reading if you did and to the person who requested it, I hope it was to your liking :)  . I am generally really unmotivated so let's just say this story was really hard to make this long but I didn't want to disappoint XD.  I really hope that whoever reads this enjoys it and has a great day. Also saying that the photo album was on Toga's dresser was an intentional thing so that the pieces of rubble that All Might was exploring earlier in the first chapter was Toga's old bedroom :/  .
I am so sorry this chapter took ages to come out but I am not the best at updating. One last thing that I would like the say is that the timeline of the photo's is NOT linear so that I can work on a story on whatever part of the timeline I feel like when I get the idea to. Thank you x

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