"Then why are you here?" Her voice was calm to the point of ignorance. "So I can kill you." Air's answer was so blunt that Ria flinched and moved out of the other girl's grasp. "Wh-What? Why do you want to kill me?!" She hissed, her ears and tail stiff from her fright. "If I don't, I'll be banished to the underworld and you'll be free to be innocent once more."

Air's tail flicked and she smirked, her nails turning into claws. "Face it Ria, you can't beat me and you sure as hell are too afraid to try."


I'm a total bitch, I know and I'm so sorry. This chapter is dedicated to Elizabeth_quirks because I said I'd update and totally flipped shit when I realized I forgot about this book.

Reaper- In my opinion, I say we start the hunt.

In my opinion, I say we shove a stick up your-

Alois- *grabs chin and pulls our faces close* A Lady should never speak that way to a mongrel.

Reaper- Hey I'm not a mongrel I'm a unic-!

Ciel- *wraps arms around my waist and nuzzles my neck* As much as I'd hate to say it, Trancy is correct.

I-I u-um I-I h-have t-to g-go feed my p-pet urm....bear!

Ciel & Alois- Really~? *smirks*

*nosebleed death*

Reaper- *shaking his unicorn head* You people.



^Pic is the colors that came from Aria's wounds>

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