chapter 39 - t e l l h e r

Start from the beginning

"Fred what is she talking about?" Natalia asked, scared. 

"It's nothing Nat."

"No Freddie tell her. I think she would want to know," Sabrina butted in. 

"Sabrina shut the fuck up. Nat seriously it's not a big deal," Fred replied. 

"If you don't tell me right fucking now Fred I'm fucking leaving."

"Nat please-"

"Fuck this." 


Natalia apparated out of the store and landed in some random street in Diagon Alley. She walked back until a wall hit her and she slipped down the side until she hit the ground. 

Tears streamed down her cheeks and Natalia felt like she couldn't fucking breathe. Did he cheat on me? If he didn't then why wouldn't he just fucking tell me what Sabrina said? What did Sabrina say that was so bad that he couldn't tell me?

Natalia's thoughts were interrupted by someone calling her name.

"Natalia?" She looked up and saw Isaiah standing over her. "Hey what's wrong?"

She wiped her eyes before grabbing his hand that he offered. Natalia stood up but could barely speak. Every time she would try to say something it would come out as broken sobs. 

"Hey hey shhh. Let me take you back to my apartment so you're not crying in the middle of the street." She couldn't say anything so she just nodded her head before he apparated them. 

"Hey Isaiah you're finally home- Who's this?" the blonde haired man asked. 

"Tyler I'll explain later but can you get some tissues and make some tea please?" Isaiah asked. 

"Yea of course."

Isaiah POV:

When I saw Natalia crying in the middle of the street, my heart broke for her. She didn't have to tell me what happened for me to understand. Something had happened between her and Fred. 

That night at the club was probably one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Not because I flirted with Natalia but because Tyler and I were in a fight and broke up a few hours before that. 

Natalia and I were similar in that way. We both had out hearts broken and used each other to try and get over it but it didn't work for either of us. 

I couldn't let Natalia be alone in case someone tried something. She was in a vulnerable state and all I could do was bring her back here so that she was safe. 

We may not have known each other for that long but I still cared about her. We bonded that night at the club.

She told me that she was trying to make someone jealous which is why I started kissing her neck. Not because I wanted to sleep with her but I wanted to help her. And I wanted to just forget about Tyler for a night. 

But seeing her on my couch with tears running down her cheeks and her bloodshot eyes, I had no idea what I could do. I knew that if Fred found out she was with me, he would probably beat me up.

"Lia do you need anything?" I asked. 

"Can I just use the bathroom? I don't need anything else," she somehow managed to croak out. 

"Yeah, it's over there," I said pointing to the direction of the bathroom. She got up and walked over there while I made my way to the kitchen.

"What happened to her?"

"I think her and her boyfriend got in a fight or they broke up or something. I'm not sure, whenever she tried saying something all she would do was cry," I responded. 

"Is she the girl from the club and from the restaurant?"


"Fuck. Do you want to call her boyfriend or something?" 

"I don't have his bloody number and I don't know where he lives."

"What about her parents?"

"Fuck, Tyler I don't know her that well to know who her parents are."

"What's her full name?"

"Umm Natalia Edwards-Black or some shit like that. Why?"

"Black. Black. That last name sounds familiar."

I was trying to think of who it could be when Tyler's voice disrupted my thoughts. 

"I got it! Sirius Black. Her dad is Sirius Black."

"You figure out a way to contact him and I'm going to go check in on her. She's been in the bathroom for way too long." Tyler nodded and I made my way to the bathroom. 

"Hey Natalia," I said while knocking on the door. She didn't respond. 

"Natalia?" I asked once again. No response. 

"Lia, what the hell is going on?" No response. 

I bust open the door and saw her lying on the bathroom floor, passed out. She must have fainted and hit her head on the sink because there was blood dripping from her head. 

I picked her up and brought her out before telling Tyler that we needed to contact Sirius right now. 

"Fuck Natalia what the hell happened to you?" I whispered before apparating to St. Mungo's. 


oop not the cliffhanger-

also i am in love w isaiah and if it wasn't for tyler he would be mine 

also ugh i am so annoyed w fred rn, why didn't he j tell nat it would've made it so much easier smh but you know he was begging me not to say anything that fucking bastard

p.s. my new nickname for sabrina is sabitch 

- ms. lube

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