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❝ — 𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯, 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘧
𝘐 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 ❞


AS YOU SAUNTERED OUT OF THE HOUSE, you observed the rain that drizzled down, it was very subtle, almost undetectable.

You crossed your arms over your chest to provide some warmth to your cold body. All you had right now was yourself and your thoughts, so naturally you thought about what Akaashi needed to tell you.

Did he tell her? His soulmate? Is he happy with her and wants to share the good news with me? If he's happy I'm happy. We have until forever, maybe we'll get a chance in the next life.

It felt wrong to think this way, maybe because you knew you were wrong, he isn't happy with his soulmate— yet. He didn't tell his soulmate how he felt—yet. You guys would get a chance in the next life, but you both still had this life to grasp that chance.

In response, you offered the sky an ultimatum: If the rain died down, then you would know for sure that he's your soulmate and go to him. But if the rain picked up, you'd know that he isn't your soulmate and completely stop trying.
The sky happily played along.

The rain died down.

It took you a moment to perceive it but once you did, excitement rushed throughout your veins, causing you to muster up as much velocity as you could.

There was no doubt about it, not even in the slightest. He is, was, and will always be your soulmate. All tenses. You didn't care that the road was slippery and there was a great possibility of slipping, your soulmate was waiting.

As you were making your way towards him you ran past a corner, at the same time a truck ran a stop sign, taking you by surprise. Time felt like it was moving in slow motion, loud last minute honking and blinding headlights were all you could see and hear for a split second. And then you saw, heard, and felt nothing. Everything was black. It collided into you.

● ● ●

You woke up in a state of panic, heavily breathing and hair disheveled, frantically patting the area that surrounded you to make sure the nightmare wasn't real.

It was windy and raining when you looked out of your window. Your body matched the temperature— cold. Despite it being so unbearable, you just felt the need to go outside for some fresh air, hoping the extra coldness would calm you down and take your mind off of the nightmare you just woke up from.

The nightmare. Was it a sign that you were going to lose him if you didn't act? Was the universe telling you to go to him? These questions prompted you to leave the house and start making your way towards the tree. You just knew he had to be there.

You had hope again, faith in the universe that it was right. You had to see him right now. Adrenaline spread throughout your body at the thought of this. You were determined to finally be with your droplet.

You were just feet away from the tree, quickly taking notice of the familiar figure sitting underneath it. A smile graced your face. A big, happy, genuine one. You knew he'd be here.

You walked up to him, but your smile slowly disappeared when you saw his expression. He was crying. "Akaashi? What's wrong? I'm here now, it's okay." He didn't respond, he didn't even acknowledge your presence and continued to cry. "Is it because I ignored you?" You asked as you sat down by him and went to pat his back.

Your arm went straight through him.

You quickly held your arm up with widened eyes. Your skin was slowly turning transparent.

You stumbled back a bit and started rubbing your eyes to make sure you were seeing things right, black spots started to form in your vision. Those black spots slowly turned into images of your memories. And then it hit you all at once.

The texts. The nightmare. The truck. Loud honking and bright headlights were the last of your memories to enter and leave. Your life flashed before your eyes. It wasn't a nightmare.

You regained your vision and bent down to Akaashi's level, screaming his name in hopes of this just being another nightmare. You started crying hysterically when he didn't have any reaction, all you wanted was for him to answer your desperate pleas and comfort your broken state, but you were only met with him mirroring the same feelings.

You both continued crying together, unknown to Akaashi. It looked as if the sky was grieving with you both, crying for you, it never failed to reflect your feelings.

The rain fell harder, yet you felt warmer. This wasn't a nightmare, it was reality. You wanted to stay and comfort him, but you could feel your presence in this world getting weaker. You tried your best to leave with a smile, the one Akaashi worked so hard to put on your face.

You lightly put your hands on his cold face and stroked his tear-stained cheeks, smiling at him through the pain and tears. "In our next life Akaashi, I promise."

And with that, your transparent figure dispersed in the downpour, blending in with the gloomy weather. The only thing left to comfort Akaashi, was the rain.

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