Chapter 10: Nightmares do come true

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TW - violence, guns, etc.


Dream quickly sprinted over to George's body. He was covered in blood, bruises and scratches. Tears were streaming out his eyes as he groaned in pain. "George. It's okay I've got you." Dream said, tears forming in his eyes.

"N..No Clay you have to leave. Now." George stuttered in pain "What are you talking about George, come on i'll take you home, it's okay." He watched as George slowly got up. "Clay. My nightmare. I don't think it was a nightmare. I think it was foreshadowing the truth. This place, this is where it happened. Your here and so is Alex. It's all coming true and if it does that means.." Dream widened his eyes. "No George that's not going to happen okay let's just go." Dream lifted George up and they started to quickly run away. Then there was a loud bang. A gunshot.

A loud groan of pain escaped Dream's mouth. George looked down at dream to see he had been shot. "No no no this can't be happening. Please Dream, please come on." George begged. Dream slowly got up, applying pressure to his wound, he started quickly limping away with George's arm supporting him up.

Dream fell to the ground. His face was pale, blood was pouring everywhere.


The words echoed in George's head. They were the same words from his nightmare. Except this time it wasn't a stranger telling him to run. It was the love of his life.

"No Clay, please don't do this to me. I'm begging you. This can't happen." George was sobbing, his break was shaking and his breathing was heavy.

"George listen to me. You need to leave. If you don't then he is only going to get the both of us. I know your scared. But clearly this was meant to happen. and if you don't go now then he's going to kill you." Dream looked at him, placing his hand on George's cheek, a tear falling down his face, with a small forced smile hinting for him that it's okay for him to leave.

"Please Clay. Please." George squinted his eyes with tears streaming down his face, he placed his hand on Clay's that was resting on George's face. His words were full of pain.

"George he isn't going to stop. I need you to run. Can you do that, for me? Bad and Sapnap are here. Just go and call the police. Okay?" Dream reassured him.

Part of George didn't want to leave, if it was like his nightmare then he knew what was going to happen to Dream. He couldn't lose him. But he knew Dream couldn't run, he needed help. "Okay okay. I'll be right back Dream." George quickly stood up, turning round getting ready to run for help.

Clay grabbed the bottom of George's sweater and tugged on it. "I love you. With every bit of my heart. You mean the entire world to me okay? I just want you to be happy, incase anything happens okay? Be brave for me George. Don't turn around if you hear anything okay."

"Ditto." Dream formed a small smile, although George had never said the 3 words 'I love you' He knew that he felt it, the one word 'Ditto' meant everything. George's heart was racing. His heart sank, knowing that this could be the last time he ever spoke to him. But he couldn't risk staying and watching him die, if he went to get help then there was still a chance. "I'm going to save you Clay."

George turned around and started sprinting. He slowed his pace when he heard a faint voice saying "Clay" dragging it out as he said it. It was Alex. George stopped and looked back as he saw Dream helplessly sat on the floor using his free hand to move himself back away from Alex, who was pointing a gun right at him. "Don't look back" The words replied in his mind. "I'm going to save you Clay." The words echoed over and over.


"Alex, you don't have to do this." Dream stuttered. "Yes i do. Don't bother trying to change my mind. I was never going to kill your boyfriend. I just wanted to hurt him. Then kill you." Dream squinted his eyes shot, tears flowing out of his eyes. Then there was the sound of a gunshot.

Except Dream didn't feel a thing. He opened his eyes to see the most painful sight. George was stood in front of Dream, his back to Alex. He saw blood seeping through George's sweater. George quickly fell to the ground. Alex had already fled.

Dream shuffled over to George who was only two feet or so in front of him. He lifted him into his arms as he laid knelt on the forest floor. He was stroking George's face. "God please don't leave me George. This is how it was supposed to happen. I can't lose you. Please don't leave me." His words were full of pain, he couldn't hold back the tears, he was panting for his breath. the sound of his sobs were traumatising.

"I love you Clay." George whispered before slowly closing his eyes. His skin was ice cold, and he was as pale as snow. Dream let out a loud scream full of agony. He was gone. The love of his life. Was dead.


Well i guess the story is over lol! I hope you all like it! I really enjoyed writing it. I may write another one in the future, so leave some suggestions!

Please be honest and tell me what you thought about the story!

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