"I don't think it's any of your concern, Mr Phassakorn. Now if you may, kindly go back to your post and do what you're paid to do."

I immediately went inside my office and closed the blinds to avoid attracting attention from the employees.

I hastily dialed my mother's number and fidgeted with my fingers as I waited for her to pick up.

"Mom! What the hell is happening?"

"Don't you dare raise your voice on me, New. I suppose you already heard the news."

"Mom, are you serious about this? You just can't give up the company to some, some, someone else!" I ran a frustrated hand through my hair as I searched my mind for a name to call Tay but failed.

"The deal's been closed already, New. You should be thankful for him because he made sure you're still the CEO of the company."

"But, mom. I didn't approve any of this!"

"But I did and so did the board. And besides, it's the only way to save the company given the amount of money your father owes to the Vihokratanas. So instead of whining, start thinking of ways to get the company back on track before Tawan regrets keeping you as the CEO."

I heaved a deep sigh as she ended the call.

"Ugh! What the fuck are you doing Tawan?"


The tires of my car screeched as I abruptly halted in front of the Vihokratanas' main office.

With a compelling desire to get an explanation from him, I furiously stormed in their company not even minding the several stares coming from the employees.

"Good afternoon, Sir. How ma—"

"I want to speak with Mr Tawan Vihokratana."

"Do you have an appointment with him, Sir?"

"No. Just tell him I need to talk to him."

The receptionist flashed an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, Sir. But you need an appointment to see him."

"Just damn tell him I fucking need to talk to him," I said through gritted teeth and gave her a vicious glare. I knew I was being rude but given the frustration I had at the moment, being polite was definitely out of the picture.

"O-one moment, Sir."

I watched her intently as she picked up the phone, probably to call Tay's secretary.

"Hello, someone wants to see Mr Tawan. Wait, what's your name, Sir?"

"New," I replied sparingly for I figured that he wouldn't need my complete name to know.

"It's Mr New. Okay. Thank you. You may now proceed to his of—"

I didn't let her finish her statement and just grabbed the visitor's pass she handed. I'd been there already, so it wasn't difficult for me to figure my way in.

"New. What's with the sudden visit?"

I was greeted by Tay who was grinning from ear to ear. It looked like he was happy? And I didn't know why. I didn't give a fuck rather.

"What the!" he exclaimed as I gave him a punch on his face. "Wait! What's wrong with you?!"

With my fist still tightly clenched, I aimed for his other cheek and gave him a strong blow.

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